  • 學位論文


Second-generation EGFR-TKI afatinib exerts immunomodulatory effects by targeting the pyrimidine biosynthesis enzyme CAD

指導教授 : 李明學


目前臨床試驗結果指出肺腺癌表皮生長因子受體抑制劑(EGFR-TKI)結合免疫檢查點抑制劑(ICB therapy)的合併治療效果不佳,我們推測其中可能的原因之一是表皮生長因子受體抑制劑於治療過程,會干擾免疫檢查點抑制劑作用於胞殺性T淋巴球的作用機制。為了證實此假設,在這篇論文我們募集帶表皮生長因子受體基因突變的肺腺癌患者,透過連續性觀察不同時間點使用表皮生長因子受體抑制劑妥復克(afatinib)治療後,觀察藥物是否會影響胞殺型T淋巴球(CD8+ T lymphocytes)的分化、功能及生長。我們發現短時間藥物處理會抑制胞殺型T淋巴球的生長;然而,長時間的治療過程使胞殺型T淋巴球逐漸適應進而不受藥物干擾抑制,此結果顯示afatinib對於胞殺型T淋巴球,可能存在細微的免疫調節機制。因此,我們透過細胞實驗證明表皮生長因子受體抑制劑妥復克(afatinib)會抑制胞殺型T淋巴球之生長,且同時找到CAD蛋白質為此藥物在T淋巴球中的重要標記蛋白質,此蛋白質在正常生理的角色為調控嘧啶核酸新生成的重要催化酵素。此外,在小鼠皮下植入肺癌細胞並給予afatinib治療,實驗結果顯示胞殺型T淋巴球浸潤至腫瘤組織的數目會因為接受藥物治療而降低。因為有了臨床及細胞實驗結果的佐證,我們更進一步提出階段性給予EGFR-TKI與ICB therapy的概念,透過兩種小鼠腫瘤模式(大腸癌與肺癌)階段性先給予EGFR-TKI標靶治療,再給予免疫治療(ICB therapy)。實驗結果顯示,相較於同時合併治療的效果有限;階段性治療組別,可以較有效降低腫瘤生長與改善有功能性的T淋巴細胞浸潤至腫瘤組織。總結此論文的發現,除了對小分子藥物afatinib如何調節胞殺型T淋巴球的分子機制有更進一步的認識,更進一步提供介入治療時間序的嶄新思維,希望可以避免治療過程表皮生長因子受體抑制劑可能會緩解免疫檢查點抑制劑提升胞殺型T淋巴球的作用。


Current clinical trials of combined EGFR-tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) and immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) therapies show no additional effect. This raises questions regarding whether EGFR-TKIs attenuate ICB-enhanced CD8+ T lymphocyte function. In this study, we observed early EGFR-TKI afatinib treatment inhibited CD8+ T lymphocyte proliferation in NSCLC patients, but their proliferation unexpectedly rebounded following long-term treatment. This suggests a transient immunomodulatory effect of afatinib on CD8+ T lymphocytes. Hence, we further show that afatinib could suppress CD8+ T lymphocyte proliferation, and we identify CAD, a key enzyme of de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis, to be a novel afatinib target. Afatinib reduced tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte numbers in Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC)-bearing mice. Sequential treatment of afatinib with anti-PD1 immunotherapy substantially enhanced therapeutic efficacy in MC38 and LLC-bearing mice, while simultaneous combination therapy showed only marginal improvement over each single treatment. These results suggest that afatinib can suppress CD8+ T lymphocyte proliferation by targeting CAD, proposing a timing window for combined therapy that may prevent the dampening of ICB efficacy by EGFR-TKIs.


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