  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 蔡政文


本論文希望藉由「新自由制度主義」、「國際壓力團體理論」,以及「深入訪談」APEC及PECC的專業執行人員,探討下述的問題:一、國際非政府組織(INGO)性質的PECC,在一九八九年國際政府間組織(IGO)性質的APEC成立後,PECC在亞太區域的定位為何?二、PECC在APEC中的角色與地位為何?以及兩者間之互動關係為何?三、在PECC及APEC這個案例中,是否有INGO「干預」IGO的現象?若有,PECC「干預」APEC之能力、策略與行動為何? 本論文在第一、二章先對APEC與PECC的成立、發展、組織架構進行基本介紹。第三章則分析PECC的干預能力及干預策略,包括:正式、非正式干預力以及干預行動本質、干預層次與干預方法。第四章藉由研究PECC在APEC的貿易暨投資自由化及便捷化(TILF)與經濟與技術合作(ECOTECH)兩個領域之個重要議題的干預行動,探討PECC對APEC的影響力,進而評估PECC的干預成效。第五章則是綜合的評估與展望,分別就PECC在不同議題的干預行動以及影響PECC對APEC干預成效的因素加以檢討;最後總結提出期頂P展望。 這是一個「全球治理」時代,國際關係已從獨立的個別國家關係轉變為全球互賴的關係,而非政府間組織等非國家行為者在國際社會上的角色與地位日益重要。我國積極參與PECC的活動,並且在某些領域極受肯定,因此,參與PECC的經驗實可作為台灣與他國建立外交關係之參考。又,為突破我國外交困境,「非政府組織」是近年來推動「務實外交」的重點訴求領域之一。因此,本論文希望藉由研究PECC與APEC的互動關係,對於我國拓展國際外交空間,以及外交政策的方向的研擬與制定有所貢獻。 關鍵字:亞太經濟合作理事會、亞太經濟合作會議、國際非政府組織、國際政府間組織、國際壓力團體。


By means of “Neoliberal Institutionalism”, “International Pressure Group Theory”, and also in-depth interviews with executive experts of APEC and PECC, this thesis would like to probe into the following issues. The first issue delves into the position of PECC, a INGO, in the Asian-Pacific region after APEC, an IGO, was established in 1989. The second issue discusses the roles and status of PECC in APEC. Finally, this thesis will probe the interactions between these two institutions and whether or not there is any evidence showing that INGO do intervene in IGO, specifically between APEC and PECC. If this is the case, this thesis will analyze what the capabilities, strategies, and actions that PECC has possessed to intervene in APEC are. A basic introduction to the establishment, development, and structure of APEC and PECC is firstly made in Chapter One and Chapter Two. In Chapter Three, the intervention capabilities and strategies of the PECC are then analyzed, including official intervention, informal intervention, the nature of intervention, levels of intervention, and intervention methods. Chapter Four, elaborating the PECC’s influence upon the APEC, is accompanied by the studies on intervention having been brought by the PECC into critical APEC issues on the fields of TILF and ECOTECH. And, the results of intervention will then be estimated. Chapter Five focuses on a comprehensive evaluation, reviewing the PECC’s intervention in different issues as well as factors affecting the intervention outcomes. Lastly, expectation and prospect will be concluded. This is an era of global governance we live in. International relations nowadays no longer refer to separate bilateral relations between states, but have already evolved into a global interdependent world. Non-state actors, such as INGO, have had more say in international communities, and their roles and status have become more and more important. Taiwan has actively taken part in the events of PECC and has earned herself considerable acclaim in certain fields. Consequently, the experience of participating in PECC could come as a stepping stone when Taiwan reaches out for diplomatic ties. Furthermore, to break through Taiwan’s diplomatic stalemate, INGO operation has been one of the key implements to help to advance the pragmatic diplomacy. Therefore, by researching on the interactions between PECC and APEC, this thesis bears a sincere hope to contribute to the formulation of Taiwan’s foreign policy and further broadening Taiwan’s diplomatic space. Keywords:PECC、APEC、International Non-Governmental Organization、Inter-Governmental Organization、International Pressure Group。


