  • 學位論文


A study of effective factors on performance of real estate securitization

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


民國92年,在房地產自景氣的谷底重新攀升之際,台灣本地也正式通過不動產證券化條例。舉凡會涉入整個不動產證券化架構中的建設公司、金融機構及投資大眾,無不對其寄予厚望。 不動產證券化的運作重點可就數個面相加以區分,其涵蓋法規面、市場面及財務面的諸多議題。而開發業者身為不動產投資人,亦當了解證券化是否能對其開發行為創造利基,及其推行不動產證券化時,應該優先考量哪些風險來源。因此,本研究站在建設業界的角度,透過深度訪談,以針對特定而具體的專案進行個案研究。首先透過財務試算比較證券化前後的計劃報酬及回收年期,以確立開發計劃採行不動產證券化方式融資之可行性。並且,本研究選取各種影響開發計畫報酬的變動因素作為法規面、市場面及財務面的參考指標,繼而進行敏感度分析,以了解各種因素的變動對不動產證券化成效的影響性,期望能提供給有意推行證券化的開發業者作為參考。


Real Estate Securitization provides an alternative approach of investing in real estate. Real Estate Securitization combines two different characteristics: the liquidity of stocks and high return of real estates. Real Estate Securitization enables the investors to participate in investment by small scale of capital, which general investors can afford, hence is a breakthrough of traditional real estate investment, which requires huge scale of capital. In America, Real Estate Securitization has been introduced and practiced over 30 years. The successful experience was introduced to the Asian countries recently. In year of 2003, Taiwan government also gave the legislation for Real Estate Securitization. For development companies, Real Estate Securitization increases the liquidity of real estate transactions and grants a vehicle to obtain capital for huge development projects. However, considering factors involving the performance of Real Estate Securitization in all aspects, initiator of the Real Estate Securitization shall know about the risk before their building is securitized. The purpose of this research is to discuss about the factors on which have great influence on the performance of real estate securitization. The methodology of this research will be case study focusing on the financial issues by using DCF (Discounted Cash Flow) method to determine the return of the project. After the financial model is established, variables would be chosen to represent the factors, which might affect the performance of real estate securitization. The sensitivity analysis toward these factors can therefore show the degree of the influence. The output of this research will be the comparison among different factors as mentioned, and some advice to the Real Estate Securitization as conclusion.


Real Estate Investment Securitization REITs


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