  • 學位論文


Ultrasonic Temperature Image Based On The Change In Backscattered Energy : In Vitro Study

指導教授 : 朱錦洲
共同指導教授 : 張建成(Chien-Cheng Chang)


隨著腫瘤燒灼技術的成熟,許多用來偵測溫度影像的方法大量被開發,超音波影像具有非侵入式、系統造價相對便宜,可攜性增加和非游離輻射等優點,使得超音波影像有著強大的優勢,超音波溫度影像的形成有許多方式,其中又以逆散射溫度影像最符合本實驗所期望,故本實驗採用逆散射能量變化理論形成溫度影像。 逆散射能量變化理論相較於其他超音波影像成像方式,具有影像處理快速、直接從能量訊號轉換和溫度範圍37℃到50℃之間溫度反應準確,Arthur學者提出超音波逆散射能量變化溫度影像主要和逆散射子特性有關,本實驗利用離體組織實驗,試著找出逆散射能量變化理論沒有考慮的參數。 離體組織實驗利用仿體和豬肝組織來進行溫度實驗,利用五種不同散射子濃度和三種不同彈性的仿體,分別對散射子濃度和彈性進行分析討論,實驗結果發現散射子濃度和彈性是必須被考慮的參數,接著利用變異前後豬肝組織實驗再加強證明彈性的參數影響,變化結果表示彈性不同絕對會影響逆散射溫度影像的形成。 最後本實驗應用逆散射能量變化理論形成即時溫度分布溫度影像,將溫度影像和超音波引導治療儀結合,對豬肉組織做燒灼實驗,並掃描超音波溫度影像,結果發現逆散射能量變化理論能反應局部溫度變化,可以做到區域性溫度分布超音波溫度影像。


With the progress of tumor ablation technique ,a lot of methods could detect temperature, ultrasound images has many advantage with non-invasive, cheap, portable and non-ionizing radiation, ultrasound temperature images have many ways to form image, change in backscattered energy image is the best temperature image among ultrasound temperature image, change in backscattered energy image is decided to establish temperature image in experiments. When comparing change in backscattered energy theory with other imaging methods, change in backscattered energy temperature image is more fast, directly, converse original signal and have good accuracy between 37 ℃ to 50 ℃, Dr. Arthur develop change in backscattered energy theory about scatter property, this experiment use in- vitro tissue, and try to find the parameters of backscatter which are without considering in change in backscattered energy theory. In vitro experiments used phantoms and liver tissue to take the temperature experiment, using five kinds of scatter concentrations and three kinds of elasticity, we found concentrations and elasticity that must be considered, then used liver tissue before and after changing to prove the parameters of elasticity would affect the result of change in backscattered energy temperature image. Finally, the experimental application of change in backscattered energy theory forms image of local temperature distribution, combination of Tereson and burn system heated on pork tissue, and get the ultrasound temperature images, we already develop the image of local temperature distribution


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