  • 學位論文


Association of Short-term Ozone Exposure with Total, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Diseases Mortalities

指導教授 : 鄭尊仁


在流行病學研究上已有文獻指出臭氧暴露與呼吸道及心血管疾病死亡具有相關性,然而在臭氧暴露與糖尿病死亡的關係上,尚未有一致的研究結果。本研究目的為探討大氣臭氧暴露對全死因、心血管疾病與糖尿病死亡之危險性。 本研究使用2006至2008年衛生署死亡資料庫,選取戶籍位於大台北地區(全台北市與部分台北縣鄉鎮市)死亡年齡高於五十歲之糖尿病死亡(ICD9, 250)個案(共5,767個案數)為研究對象,分析糖尿病死亡與臭氧暴露之危險性。全死因與心血管疾病死亡個案(ICD9, 390- 459)根據糖尿病死亡個案之年齡與性別分別以1:2之比例亂數選出(各11,543個案數),分析大氣臭氧暴露對全死因與心血管疾病死亡之危險性,進一步比較臭氧暴露對不同的疾病死亡風險。環境資料使用臺灣環保署環境監測站空氣品質監測網提供之量測數據,利用大台北地區之15個監測站之日平均量測值為死亡個案之暴露濃度。除了日平均值的計算,臭氧最大八小時值亦納入分析。在暴露評估模式上,以1天至7天的臭氧濃度移動平均值,以及1天至7天的單日延遲臭氧濃度代表不同的累積暴露情形。在此研究中,使用病例交叉研究設計,以死亡為健康效應,並定義危害期於死亡當天至前六天(共七個危害期),對照期為危害期前一、二、三、四週相對應之日期做選擇,分析大氣臭氧暴露對死亡造成之風險。在統計模式中,控制溫度、濕度、懸浮微粒(PM2.5與PM10)等影響因子。 本研究發現糖尿病在臭氧暴露下有顯著死亡風險,以24小時臭氧移動平均值模式並控制溫度、濕度、PM2.5(或PM10)等影響因子下,臭氧暴露對全死因、心血管疾病死亡與糖尿病死亡有累積效應情況。男性與性別50- 65歲糖尿病個案有顯著死亡風險。在利用最大八小時臭氧濃度值做分析時,亦發現有相似的結果。與全死因及心血管死亡相比,暴露於大氣臭氧下,糖尿病沒有較高的死亡風險。因本研究使用死亡資料庫提供之原死因為個案篩選條件,故糖尿病死亡個案確切死因在未來研究中應該要再釐清以利分析。


糖尿病 心血管疾病 死亡 臭氧


Background: Associations between ozone exposure and mortality have been reported, particularly in respiratory and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). However, the relationship between ozone (O3) exposure and diabetes mellitus (DM) mortality remains unclear. Objective: To compare the relationships between ozone exposure with total mortality and those caused by CVD and DM. Method: DM deaths (International ICD-9, 250; N=5,767) more than 50 years of age from National Mortality Registry in metropolitan Taipei, Taiwan between 2006 and 2008 were included for analysis. For comparison, total death and CVD deaths (ICD-9, 390- 459, N=11534) were chosen by match with gender and age with DM deaths. Average levels of ozone each day were calculated from 15 monitoring stations of Taiwan EPA in this area; daily maximum 8-hour concentrations of ozone were computed as well. Case-crossover design was applied to examine the risk between the hazard and reference periods while daily moving average from 0-day (the day of death) to 7-day was used and 4 reference days were chosen by every 7 days before the day of death for 1 month. Temperature and relative humidity were included in the single pollutant model, and PM10 or PM2.5 was further adjusted in two-pollutant model. Results: In two-pollutant model with PM2.5 adjusted, the trend of accumulative effect of ozone was observed in total death, CVD and DM deaths. Diabetics (OR=1.11, 1.03-1.19) , total death (OR), and CVD (OR=1.10, 1.04-1.16) were at risk for deaths in an interquartile range increase of ozone (11.6 ppb) within 7 days exposure. Similar results were also obtained with maximum 8-hour ozone exposure. However, the risk of diabetes deaths from ozone exposure was not higher than those of total deaths and CVD deaths. In this study, either PM10 or PM2.5 was not associated with ozone exposure. Conclusion: Increased ozone exposure is associated with mortality in total deaths, DM and CVD deaths. However, diabetics were not at higher risk with exposure to ozone. Because the underlying causes of death from diabetes are not available from the National Mortality Registry, specific causes of death from diabetes need to be specified in the future study.


diabetes cardiovascular disease mortality ozone


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