  • 學位論文


Medical Cosmetology with Camera System

指導教授 : 傅楸善


在醫學美容的應用上,美容業者或是皮膚科醫師經常需要依據人臉皮膚的症狀來評估化妝品、藥物或手術的療效。在這篇論文中,我們組合高解析度的相機與多種光源所組合成的相機系統擷取高品質的人臉圖像;再利用可變形模板找到三個主要的膚色區域: T字部位、左臉頰以及右臉頰;最後使用我們提出的局部色彩分割技術來偵測皮膚中的症狀並適當的量化,期望能透過量化症狀的輕重來輔助療效的判讀。


In applications of medical cosmetology, cosmetologists or dermatologists usually need to evaluate curative effects of cosmetics, medicines, or surgeries according to skin symptoms on a human face. In this thesis, we assemble a high-resolution camera and many light sources to capture high-quality face images. Next, we use deformed template method to extract three principal skin parts on the face: T-Zone, the left cheek, and the right cheek. Finally, we use our proposed local color segmentation to detect and quantize skin symptoms. We aim to interpret curative effects by symptom measurements.


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