  • 學位論文


Formation and Practice of the State Compensation Legal System in Taiwan: Focus on the State Compensation Law in a Legal Historical Approach

指導教授 : 王泰升


本文以1980年制定的國家賠償法為中心,嘗試從法律史的觀點,考察台灣國家賠償法獨自的生成與實踐經驗。文中主要探討以下三個議題:一、曾經在台灣這塊土地上的人(包括統治者與被統治者)過往的國家賠償法律經驗為何?二、1980年制定的國家賠償法,產生於何種歷史背景脈絡?三、國家賠償法與台灣政治社會變遷之關係為何?其又如何與台灣社會相磨合? 戰前台灣人民的法律經驗由於歷史的偶然,呈現出多元且多源之風貌。在講究「禮」的傳統中國法律觀下,「國」是政治上的「家」,「天子」是不會犯錯的大家長,其下的官員則是「父母官」,「民不告官」的想法深植於一般人民心中,再加上未發展出如同近代西方法上的權利觀念,人民無從在受到國家侵害時,產生向國家請求賠償的想法。其後,日治時期的刑事補償法,與民國時期中國的警械使用條例、土地法等,雖然已開始有限度地繼受近代西方法,並賦予人民向國家請求賠償的權利,統治者與大多數的被統治者似乎仍對國家賠償及其背後所代表之意涵感到陌生。 戰後作為法體系規範頂點的憲法,首次出現國家賠償之規定,但由於政府長期自限於反攻大陸復興中國的政治框架,不願受到法律之束縛,亦無心於人權保障,使國家賠償之立法長期遭到漠視。1959年,政府曾基於政治號召之理由,制定公布在性質上屬於司法不法國家賠償的冤獄賠償法,惟其後國家賠償的立法又陷入停滯。直至1970年,始有法學者與少數民意代表再度呼籲政府制定國家賠償法,而工商業界亦因萬家香醬油案等事件的激化,出現請求制定國家賠償法之聲音。此時,因外交受挫而產生統治正當性危機,並面臨內部權力繼承問題的國民黨政府,又再度以制定國家賠償法作為政治號召之手段。 1981年,國家賠償法終於在台灣施行。這部繼受自近代西方法的法律,究竟如何逐步在台灣落實並影響台灣人民的權利觀,正是本文所關切者。執行初期的國家賠償法(1980~1987),所面臨的是對國家賠償觀念尚感陌生的台灣人民,以及法治觀念薄弱的政府,無論是政府或人民都處於摸索階段。解嚴後,隨著台灣民主化的腳步與人民權利意識的提升,請求國家賠償的案件(協議或訴訟)均逐步增加。在大法官作成釋字第469號解釋,打破72年台上字第704號判例所造成之限制藩籬,以及2000年政黨輪替後,國家賠償請求更呈現出一番新氣象,有越來越多人懂得運用國家賠償法以維護自身的權利。而一波波請求國家賠償的浪潮,亦使立法院開始以台灣經驗為基礎,提案修法擴大國家賠償之範圍。


This thesis focuses on the State Compensation Law of 1980 and examines the formation and practice of the state compensation legal system in Taiwan. In a legal historical approach, there are three main issues should be concerned. First, what kind of legal experiences regarding state compensation did people have in the past? Second, why was the State Compensation Law stipulated in 1980? And third, how did the State Compensation Law interact with the political and social changes in Taiwan? Due to historical coincidences, the legal experiences of Taiwanese people were diverse. Under Traditional Chinese legal system, “Nation” was like a political “Family.” The Emperor was the patriarch of the national family who can do no wrong. Officials were considered as “parents” of the people. The concept of “The people cannot sue officials” was deeply rooted in the mind of ordinary people. Therefore, it is impossible to imagine that people would request the government to pay compensation while their rights were violated by the government. Things might change during the Japanese colonial period(1895~1945)of Taiwan and the Republican period(1912~1949)of China. However, the change was limited and most of the people might still not be familiar with the idea of state compensation. After World WarⅡ, the KMT government ruled Taiwan. Although the Constitution authorized the government to legislate the State Compensation Law, the legislation was ignored for a long time. Not until the 1970s, because of the diplomatic crisis, which caused the crisis of the legitimacy, and the succession of powers, did the KMT government consider making the State Compensation Law as a political call. The State Compensation Law was finally enforced in 1981. Nevertheless, this was the new start rather than the end of the story. Since the government was unfamiliar with the State Compensation Law as well as the people, the efficacy of the said law was questionable at the very beginning. With the political and social changes in the post martial law era, people became to have a better understanding of State Compensation Law and know how to use it to protect their rights.




