  • 學位論文


Song Type Matching in a Duetting Species, Steere’s Liocichla (Liocichla steerii) at Meifeng Area

指導教授 : 袁孝維


本論文包含兩個章節,第一章為文獻回顧,敘述鳥類學習歌曲之假說,多數鳴禽擁有許多不同之歌型 (song type) 與曲目 (song repertoire),而且學習歌曲時會產生各種歌曲分享以及歌曲對應的行為介紹。第二章內容為在過去的研究發現,許多共域鳴禽之間會展現歌曲對應 (song matching),包括歌型對應 (song type matching) 及曲目對應 (repertoire matching) 行為。威脅假說 (threat hypothesis) 是認為當個體發出歌型對應行為是意味著增加攻擊的可能性,然而許多相關研究侷限於只有雄鳥會鳴唱的鳴禽,並未對雌鳥也會鳴唱的鳴禽多加探討。本研究目的有二,測試威脅假說,以及探討歌曲對應行為在二重唱鳥種的性別是否有差異。本研究於2008年4至8月在南投梅峰地區,探討具有二重唱行為之藪鳥 (Liocichla steerii) 的歌型對應行為,針對12對個體以鄰居與陌生雄鳥之分享歌型進行互動式回播實驗,分別於繁殖季前期 (築巢、孵蛋) 與後期 (育雛) 試驗,並記錄雄鳥回應之歌型、反應時間、鳴唱次數、音節時間、重疊率、轉換率與個體接近喇叭的行為,以及雌鳥之回應有無、反應時間、二重唱比例等參數。結果發現有歌型對應與無歌型對應之試驗相比較,有歌型對應之雄鳥反應時間顯著較短 (23.3±3.7 vs. 100.9±10.1秒)、鳴唱次數顯著較多 (23.5±3.6 vs. 7.6±1.1次) 且個體與喇叭距離顯著較短 (2.9±0.5 vs. 9.1±1.1公尺);回播陌生歌曲比回播鄰居歌曲之歌型對應比例顯著較高 (64.3 vs. 28.6%)、雌雄鳥反應時間顯著較短 (雌:55.6±9.2 vs. 71.3±8.1秒;雄:32.9±7.5 vs. 90.8±11.4秒) 、二重唱比例較高 (53 vs. 47%) 與顯著較接近喇叭 (4.4±0.8 vs. 7.7±1公尺);繁殖季前後期相比較,前期之歌型對應比例顯著較高 (75 vs. 26.1%)、雌雄鳥反應時間均顯著較短 (雌:45±4.1 vs. 78.6±8.5秒;雄:34.8±6.1 vs. 84.8±11.6秒)、二重唱比例較高 (78 vs. 27%) 且個體也顯著較接近喇叭 (4±0.7 vs. 7.5±0.9公尺)。而雌鳥接唱比例於回播陌生與鄰居歌曲 (71.4 vs. 47.6%)、繁殖季前、後期 (75 vs. 47.8%) 均無顯著差異,但當雄鳥進行歌型對應時,雌鳥接唱的比例顯著較高 (86.7 vs. 35%)、二重唱比例也顯著較多 (66 vs. 20%)。本研究證實了藪鳥雄鳥之歌型對應行為與雌鳥接唱形成二重唱之行為均為具有威脅意圖之訊息,符合威脅假說,且雄鳥會因陌生歌曲回播與繁殖季前期之領域威脅較大,選擇歌型對應來回應領域入侵者,而雌鳥則視雄鳥歌型對應比例的高低來調整接唱與否。


藪鳥 二重唱 威脅假說 歌型對應


The thesis consists of two chapters. The first chapter is literature review. It is about the song learning hypothesis of songbirds, as well as different conditions of song sharing during song learning. The second chapter is as it is described in the following paragraphs. Basically, most songbirds have many song types and song repertoires. In the previous studies, song type matching and repertoire matching had been reported in songbirds who shared territories. According to the threat hypothesis, individuals who have the song type matching behavior would increase the likelihood of an attack on the singing intruder. Most studies focused on male-singing species, but not on female-singing species. In this thesis, I tested the threat hypothesis and investigated the differences of song matching between male and female birds. I carried out an interactive playback study on a duetting species, Steere’s Liocichla (Liocichla steerii), to investigate the song type matching in the territorial interaction. Playbacks were carried out to 12 pairs of Steere’s Liocichla at Meifeng in Nantou during their breeding season from April to August in 2008. We broadcasted the shared song types of neighbor and stranger across breeding stages (early stage: nesting and incubation, late stage: nestling and fledgling), and recorded male responses including song type, latency to sing, number of repeated song types, song frequency, overlapping rate, switching rate and the distance to the loudspeaker, as well as different female responses which includes whether an female bird answered or not as well as their latency to sing and duetting rate. We compared the responses of matching type answered and non-matched. In the answered-matching type, male showed shorter latency on singing (23.3±3.7 vs. 100.9±10.1 sec.), more frequency of song repeated (23.5±3.6 vs. 7.6±1.1) and the proximity to the loudspeaker (2.9±0.5 vs. 9.1±1.1m). Compared to the playback responses of stranger song and neighbor song, the former had higher percentage of type matching (64.3 vs. 28.6%), both males and females had shorter singing latency (male: 32.9±7.5 vs. 90.8±11.4 sec.; female: 55.6±9.2 vs. 71.3±8.1 sec.), higher percentage of duetting rate (53 vs. 47%) and males were closer to the loudspeaker (4.4±0.8 vs. 7.7±1 m). Moreover, we compared the responses early and late in the breeding stages, and the result showed that there were higher percentage of type matching behavior early in the breeding stage (75 vs. 26.1%).Both males and females had shorter singing latency (male: 34.8±6.1 vs. 84.8±11.6 sec.; female: 45±4.1 vs. 78.6±8.5 sec.), higher percentage of duetting rate (78 vs. 27%) and male was closer to the loudspeaker (4±0.7 vs. 7.5±0.9 m) early in the breeding stage. As for the female duet behavior, there was no significant difference between the response to stranger and neighbor playback (71.4 vs. 47.6%). The female duetting behavior also showed no significant difference between two breeding stages (75 vs. 47.8%). Female answer rate (86.7 vs. 35%) and duetting behavior (66 vs. 20%) was significant higher when their mates showed the type matching behavior. In conclusion, the ‘song type matching behavior’ from males and the ‘duetting behavior’ from females point to a threat intention in Steere’s Liocichla. Playback early in the breeding stage and the strangers’ voice are threatening to males. Therefore, males would choose’ type matching behavior’ to responsed to intruders. As for the females, the frequency of duetting behavior is affected by males’ type matching behaviors.


蔡育倫。2005。藪鳥 (Liocichla steerii) 鳴唱聲的地理變異。國立臺灣大學碩士論文。
