  • 學位論文


The Research on Business Model of Orchid Biotechnology Value-added in Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳榮杰


面對WTO農產自由貿易與市場競爭力的快速變動,台灣農產品生產結構與農業資源利用已面臨一個結構性的全新挑戰。農委會在2010年施政重點提出-建設「世界級花卉島」的政策,規劃台灣成為蘭花全球生產、供應及流通運籌中心,期望建構臺灣為全球花卉研發、生產及供應重鎮。台灣應當如何推動嶄新的生物科技發展,以振興農業相關產業,有效提升產品在自由貿易市場的國際競爭力,將是台灣未來農業發展上,所面臨的一個最具挑戰性的研究主題。 由於台灣蘭花產業比起其他大型花卉國家更早經營全球蘭花市場,產、官、學、研各界多年來不斷的開發市場與積極研發之下,不但生產技術水準高,蘭花品種豐富多樣,生物科技研發成果更是累積了深厚的能量,在世界蘭花產業眾多競爭國中,佔有絕對的領導地位,享有蘭花王國的美譽;然而,近年來世界各大花卉產銷大國開始重視並積極投入發展蘭花產業,而台灣蘭花產業業者多維持傳統農業經營或中小型企業方式經營,除了管理體系落後之外,對於生物科技應用的概念也相當薄弱,產業普遍缺乏智慧財產應用概念,即使擁有智財權,也無法將其轉化成為智慧資本,鮮少出現類似高科技產業透過研發成果價值化管理,展現競爭力並獲取高度利潤的經營模式。因此,如果不能持續保持產業競爭優勢,便難以確保產業在國際的地位與競爭力,更容易讓競爭者有進入產業之機會。 台灣蘭花產業如果能透過應用生物技術價值化管理經營,由傳統型產業發展成為知識型產業,那麼將可以為台灣傳統農業尋求轉型過程樹立一個重要的楷模。然而,蘭花產業要進行這樣的轉型,首要的策略就是應站在全球產業的角度,找出台灣蘭花產業的優勢條件,確定在產業鏈中絕對的優勢地位,整合台灣蘭花產業深厚的生物科技能量進行價值化應用,同時透過良好的策略擬定與經營,才能夠成功展現台灣在國際市場的競爭力。 在這樣的認知之下,本研究的目的即在探究台灣蘭花產業生物科技在進行價值化時,其所需具備的條件和可行的經營模式,同時研究如何透過生物技術價值化經營與管理,找出產業發展的新策略。簡言之,本研究主要探討台灣在發展蘭花生物科技價值化時,其經營模式之設計與需關注之重要議題。 本研究共分為六章,依序為序論、文獻探討、台灣蘭花生物科技之管理與運用現況、蘭花產業結構分析、台灣蘭花產業發展生物科技價值化之個案研究、結論與建議。本研究除就現況進行分析外,另以個案研究驗證所述理論,以期對台灣蘭花生物科技價值化之經營模式規劃有深入的學習與瞭解。 根據研究分析得出以下結論:目前臺灣蘭花產業在全球的競合關係下,政府並未清楚定位台灣在全球蘭花產業鏈的角色;因為政府對於台灣蘭花品種權對增強產業競爭力的意義有認知的落差,造成產業發展政策方向的失誤,因此政府應重新審視及深度思考蘭花產業發展的策略與方向;另一方面,台灣蘭花產業之經營模式急需快速轉型,對於生物科技應用與產業發展不應只限於農業領域的技術,而生物技術研究開發策略應同時考慮產業價值化運用的需要。 針對以上結論,本研究對政府提出以下建議:1、建議政府定位台灣成為世界育種與種苗代工中心;2、建議政府加速訂定台灣蘭花品種保護政策與品種權交易機制;3、建議政府主導擴大生技產業發展所需資金募集之管道。對產業及學研界分別提出以下建議:1、企業對專利權保護概念的思考與操作應加入經營策略一併考量;2、生物技術研發成果價值化應用與跨領域產業技術應做有效的整合;3、應用生物技術達到自然保護蘭花品種的效果。


Confronting with the swift change of WTO agricultural free trade and market competition, the production structure of Taiwanese agricultural products and utilization of agricultural resource is facing a whole new fundamental challenge. One of Council of Agriculture’s policies in the year 2010 is to establish Taiwan as the “Island of World’s Flowers and Plants”, making Taiwan the production, supply and circulation center of orchid industry and the key station for research, development, production and supply of flowers and plants in a global scale. Hence, the most challenging research topic in Taiwan’s future agricultural development would be the promotion of a brand new biotechnology development to bring prosperity to agricultural related industries and to effectively increase products’ competence in a free trade market. Compared to other countries with large scale flowers-and-plants industry, Taiwanese orchid industry has invested early in the global orchid market. The collaboration of industry, government, academy and research institutes in marketing and research development over the years has resulted in outstanding production skills and great variety of orchids. The benefit accumulated from the achievement of biotechnology research has placed Taiwan in the leading position as the Kingdom of Orchid, despite all other competitors in the world’s orchid industry. However, other countries with large scale flowers-and-plants industry has started to actively invest in orchid industry during recent years, while Taiwanese orchid industry remains with the traditional agricultural methods and SME management. In addition to the out of date management system, its concept to biotechnology application is weak, and its general lack of knowledge to intellectual property has put the existing assets to wasting since none can be transformed into intellectual capital. The business model of great competence and high profit through value-added management of research achievement as that of high-tech industry is rarely seen, and as a result, it would be difficult for Taiwanese orchid industry to remain competitive in the global market if the industrial edge can not be attained, and the competitors would cease the opportunity to enter the market. Therefore, an important model can be established for the transformation of traditional agriculture in Taiwan if Taiwanese orchid industry manages to transform itself into a knowledge industry, instead of a traditional one, via biotechnology and value-added management. However, to successfully display Taiwan’s competitive edge in the global market, such transformation would first need a strategy of global scale which points out the advantage of Taiwanese orchid industry, solidifies its absolute superiority in the industry chain, and collates all benefits generated from biotechnology to value-added application, while a well-planned marketing and operating strategy is necessary as well. Under such acknowledgement, the research aims to discuss the condition and feasible business model for Taiwanese orchid industry when adapting to biotechnology and process of valuation and establish new strategies for industrial development via biotechnology and valuating operation and management. The research focuses on design of management model and other related subjects of importance when Taiwanese orchid industry adapts to biotechnology and valuation method. There are six chapters in this thesis, which are introduction, literature study, current state of biotechnology application and management in Taiwanese orchid industry, structural analysis of orchid industry, case study for Taiwanese orchid industry ‘s adaptation into biotechnology and valuation method, conclusions and suggestions. In-depth discussion of research topic and subjects is conducted in accordance to chapter order. In addition to status quo analysis, case studies are provided for thesis verification in hope to acquire in-depth understanding of the management model for Taiwanese orchid industry’s adaptation to biotechnology and value-added. The research has lead to following conclusions: in the trend of global co-opetition, government has failed to provide a clear positioning for Taiwanese orchid industry within the global orchid industry chain, and should re-evaluate and deliberate the strategy and direction of said industry since there is a recognition difference in how the plant variety right of Taiwanese orchids’ can increase industrial competence and such difference has mislead policies concerning industrial development. On the other hand, the business model of Taiwanese orchid industry needs fast transformation whose biotechnological application and industrial development is not limited to those in the field of agriculture, and the researching and developmental strategy of biotechnology should take into consideration of the need of industrial valuation. According to above conclusions from this research, suggestions to government are as follow: 1) government should make the effort to transform Taiwan into the world’s center of breeding and seedling production, 2) the variety protection policy of Taiwanese orchids and trading regulations for plant variety right should be established as soon, and 3) government should take the initiative in raising capital for the expansion of biotechnology industry. Meanwhile, suggestions to the industry and researchers are: 1) the concept and execution of patent protection in commercial establishments should be considered as a part of business strategy, 2) efficiently collate the value-added of biotechnology research achievement with interdisciplinary industrial technologies, and 3) apply biotechnology achievement to natural protection of orchid variety.


