  • 學位論文


Business analysis and development strategy for GPS navigation industry- A cases study

指導教授 : 柯承恩


GPS導航產業自美國國防部2000年5月開放民用後,整個以GPS為應用的產業儼然形成,其中以PND市場為快速成長重心。自2005年開始起飛,除了2008年下半年金融風暴,除2009年銷售量略有下滑衰退外,每年PND市場都有複合性成長。根據Gartner 的報告指出,2010 年全球PND銷售量預計由2009 年的42.2 百萬台增加至48.4 百萬台,成長14.69%,成長幅度已開始趨緩,甚至有可能開始衰退。而起於智慧型GPS手機的崛起,由Nokia N系列開始引入,到iPhone 3G定義智慧型手機市場規格,把GPS列為標準功能,至目前Google Andriod手機也加入,因此目前稱為智慧型手機者,無不內建GPS定位模組,以致於PND市場可能因此受到衝擊。隨後Google Maps Navigation發佈,更是引起軒然大波,Garmin及TomTom當日股價更是分別重跌16%與21%。 本研究希望藉由個案探討,以S.W.O.T和五力分析為基礎,研究個案公司Garmin、TomTom及研勤科技PAPAGO!的競爭力,並依此提出未來發展策略建議,期能給予GPS導航產業可行的營運策略,來面對即將到來的產業變化威脅。


衛星導航 研勤科技 GPS Google Maps Navigation TomTom Garmin PAPAGO!


After United States Department of Defense open up the GPS navigation industry to be used in civil usage in May, 2000, the whole industry based on GPS application has been formed, especially the PND market as the trend has been growth rapidly. Start blooming from 2005, the PND market has complex growth every year. Except the financial crisis in late 2008 that cause the slight decrease of sales amount in 2009. According to Gartner’s report, the worldwide PND sales amount will reach 48.4 million pcs, 14.69% increase from 42.2 million pcs in 2009. The range has become slightly increase, even might start to decrease. The phenomenon is due to the rise of GPS smart phones, which start from Nokia N series, to i phone 3G smart phone spec that take GPS as the standard feature, and until Google Android phone. Thus now the smart phones in the market, were all built-in GPS module. This possibly will affect the GPS market, plus the announce of Google Maps Navigation cause the crisis of the market, the stock price of Garmin and TomTom at that day, both serious decline 16% & 21%. This research hope to confer from case study, based on S.W.O.T. and the Five Forces analysis, case study of the companies Garmin, TomTom and PAPAGO! for their competivities, and to raise the suggestion for future develop strategy of each company, hope to provide the workable operating strategy proposal, to face the threats of the coming industry change.


Navigation Maction GPS Google Maps TomTom Garmin PAPAGO!


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