  • 學位論文


Necessity on Categorization of Breach of Contract in Taiwan Civil Law

指導教授 : 陳聰富


本篇論文著眼於檢討我國民法債編關於債務不履行是否有修正之必要,透過觀察我國學說對於債務不履行的分類,與實務對於債務不履行類型化的運作,輔以現行國際契約法包括聯合國買賣公約、國際商事契約原則、歐洲契約法原則,以及歐洲契約法共同參考架構草案,和外國立法例包括英國法與修法前後德國法差異,檢討我國現行民法債務不履行類型化是否會對於個案造成法律效果適用之僵化,而無法符合個案正義,進而是否有在現行法下以解釋論解決問題,抑或須修法。 關於我國學說承襲德國未修法前仍對於債務不履行為類型化劃分,然而實務運作上,似已發現類型化可能導致不符合個案正義之問題,即使仍扣緊債務不履行類型化之要件,實著眼於法律效果之選擇,而出現了面對相同違約事實,原審法院與最高法院卻採取不同債務不履行類型,或面對不同違約事實採取相同債務不履行類型等矛盾現象,然而經由判決整理可發現,實務往往因發現類型化將造成個案不合理,為採取合宜之法律效果而採用其他類型,實務運作似已不再受限於債務不履行類型,而著眼於個案法律效果之適宜性。 國際契約法則已不再區分債務不履行類型,且傾向維持契約關係,避免解消契約,藉由定期命補正,課予債權人通知債務人補正之義務、透過減少價金調整對價關係,以及將契約解消與主觀歸責事由脫鉤處理,並以違約重大性和例示規定契約解消事由,以調整違約時契約雙方之法律關係,避免契約解消,而試圖採取符合個案正義之法律效果。 我國現行民法關於債務不履行是否有修正之必要,主要分為立法論和解釋論處理,關於定期命補正制度,解釋論下可能可以自給付遲延下為之,或修法增訂定期命補正之制度;契約解消事由,可藉由解釋論或實務運作建立如國際契約契約解消事由之標準,或修法將我國民法第256條與主觀歸責事由脫鉤處理,並增訂契約解消事由;至於減少價金,自解釋論可從債總第266條下為調整價金之解釋,或修法將規定於債編各論買賣一章中的減少價金請求移置債編總則為規定,此為本文對於我國民法債務不履行類型化檢討方向之建議。


This thesis mainly discusses the necessary of revision of the breach of contract part in Taiwan civil code. Measures are provided comprehensively by discussing the classification of the breach of contract and the operation of judicial decisions in Taiwan, to see whether the categories of the breach of contract in Taiwan civil code can be applied in cases without the effect of unreasonable or unjustified. Second, the study observes the transfer issues from a comparative perspective, comparing the international private laws including “United Nations Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods” (hereinafter “CISG”), Principle of International Commercial Contract ( hereinafter “PICC”), Principle of European Contract Law ( hereinafter ”PECL”), Draft Common Frame of Reference ( hereinafter “DCFR”), and the foreign legislations such as British law and the amendment of German civil law, to find out whether Taiwan civil code need to be revised, or can be established a standard through the operation of jurisdictions without the amendment of the law.


1.Commemtary on the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG), ( Ingeborg Schwenzer eds. , Oxford; NewYork: Oxford University Press, 2010)
2.Commentary on the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG)
3.David Oser, The Principles of Internaitonal Commercial Contracts: A Governing Law?, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2008
4.Djakhongir Saidov,Anticipatory Non-Performance and Underlying Values of the UNIDROIT Principles,Unif. L. Rev. n.s. 799 2006
7.Edited by OLE LANDO AND HUGH BEALE,Prepared by The Commission of European Contract Law, PRINCIPLES OF EUROPEAN CONTRACT LAW PARTS I AND II Combined and Revised, KLUWER LAW INTERNATIONAL


