  • 學位論文

邁向企業城市? 台北市產業發展與都市再發展的政策與實質

Towards Entrepreneurialism? The Substance of Industrial Enactment in Taipei City

指導教授 : 徐進鈺




In the recent decade, numerous planning and regeneration across Taipei city has been proposed. Most of the plans proposed the construction of industry zones and public facilities and displayed connection with city government. Current literature mainly focused on the function that the city government played during the development of industry zone. The results indicated that city government lacked leading competence in this issue, actually, the later studies shifted the research directions and suggested that boosting the real estate and property was the real reason underlying the initiation of land development. The capacity for the city government to promote the land development is derived from the political autonomy endowed by democratic election and enabled the elected governors to utilize the city plans as the means to promote land development. In this study, the deep analysis of how the city government utilizes city plan as well as acts of regional autonomy to assist land development was carried out. The main axis of analysis was based on the two industry development acts proposed by the Taipei city. The purpose of the analysis was to figure out the relationships among industry-related acts, land development and the content and evolution of industry acts. Our results suggested that the first industry act was mainly applied to land development, along with other associated acts and the means for city plans, this act promoted plenty of large-scale development cases in Taipei city. The direction of second industry act obviously shifted to the supportive assistance for the SMEs. Combined with the policy planning and execution of the associated units, the city government furthered the devotion to industry development, despite the act remained entangled with planning for establishment of industry zone. Compared to the transformation of management in contemporary western cities, which is often associated with entrepreneurism, directions of industry development and industry zone development strategies could be seen as the means for the elected mayors to compile governance credits as well as the products of real estate economics in Taipei cities in recent years.


周志龍(2004)台灣新都市主義與都市規劃的挑戰,都市與計劃,第31卷,第3期,第 195-213頁。
