  • 學位論文


A Research on How to Develop Data Curation Service in Academic Library from Professors’ Viewpoint

指導教授 : 陳雪華


跨領域以及跨國研究的趨勢,使得研究資料的分享和保存成為學術環境中的新興議題,也是資料庋用發展的依據;資料庋用能促進研究資料的保存與組織,並提供檢索和取用,讓更多需要的使用者能夠持續的使用這些資料,以發揮其最大價值,減少資源的浪費。資料密集是目前學術研究的趨勢之一,因此研究過程中產生的大量資料如何被有效的保存、管理和分享是許多學術機構十分重視的問題;而研究者身為資料的主要生產者與使用者,其對資料庋用的看法和需求,將是成功推動資料庋用服務的關鍵。 本研究以臺灣大學的教師為對象,採用質性研究的訪談法,自2011年8月至2012年5月,共訪談了12位臺大教師,瞭解他們對於資料庋用的看法,以及對於發展資料庋用服務的需求,希望能夠作為臺大圖書館未來發展資料庋用服務時的初步參考。 訪談結果的分析主要從資料來源與保存現況、資料之分享、資料之公開與遭遇的障礙以及對資料庋用服務的期待與需求等4個層面進行討論和歸納,並根據研究結果,針對臺大圖書館、臺灣大學以及政府單位等3個層級提出推動及發展資料庋用服務的建議。 本研究之結果為以下幾點:一、各國在資料庋用之發展程度以英國和美國較具代表性,可作為國內學術圖書館發展資料庋用服務之參考;二、研究資料之來源多樣化,整理方式不一;三、研究資料之分享以不影響個人研究為優先考量;四、對研究資料公開之態度較不積極;五、期待資料庋用服務之發展能有實質回饋,並對研究有所幫助。


Sharing and preservation of research data attracts lots of attention in the academic environment because of the trend of interdisciplinary and transnational research. Data Curation provide a good solution to data sharing and preservation. Data Curation, which involves maintaining, preserving and adding value to research data, can help researchers to access and reuse the data as well as to maximize its value and reduce resource waste. How to preserve and manage large amounts of data effectively is a very important issue for the academic institutions because of the trends of data-intensive research. The researchers who produce and use the research data will be the main target of data curation service, so what researchers want and need is very important to the academic institutions which try to develop the data curation service. This thesis investigates the professors’ attitudes towards the concept of data curation and what they want or need for the data curation service . “Interviewing” is applied from the qualitative perspective and 12 of the professors of National Taiwan University were interviewed from the August, 2011, through the May, 2005. Following conclusions are derived by analyzing the interviewing results. 1. The development of data curation in United Kingdom and the United States can be the best practice for academic libraries in Taiwan which want to develop the data curation service 2. High diversity in the resource of research data. 3. The sharing of research data can not affect the current research. 4. Researchers’ attitude toward data publication is negative. 5. Data curation service should provide feedback to their research.


Data curation research data user study


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