  • 學位論文


The Political Values Proved in the Particular Theory of Knowledge: The Root and Work of Zhi in Confucian Analects

指導教授 : 徐聖心


本文處理的是《論語》之「知」與「智」的問題。前人多以「聞見之知」、「德性之知」分析這個問題,這兩類的區別主要在認知對象不同,聞見是一般知識,德性是道德實踐的知識。但本文改採「智理層次」與「性理層次」的分類來處理,是以認知模式來區分,而非認知對象。 筆者以為,《論語》之「知」有操作性能與實踐性能,操作性能是指論語之「知」,可以發明人性、引導歷史,意思是說,當孔子論「我知」時,可以是闡釋一種從人際、歷史經驗中反省、揀擇而得的價值觀,這較傾向智理之知的模式;實踐性能是指「知」可以發揚人性、推動歷史,意思是說,當孔子論「我知」時,其實也是一種身體力行,是實實在在地推動他認定的價值觀,這是性理之知的發用。總之,筆者想強調論語之認知模式,是一種對人性與歷史的主動揀擇,在這揀擇過程中,既有思辨過程,也有實踐過程。 而論語認知模式之所以能成立,是因為論語所謂「天命」概念,是在客觀環境與人的主動意識彼此互動下建構而成的。並不是說「天命」本身不真實或不存在,而是說天命的理論系統,不是一種全然服從上帝或全然獨斷的思想,而是天與人互相詮釋而成的。這個互相詮釋的過程就是「知」的過程。 筆者以為「知」、「智」如果看作兩個概念,其共通處就在於:他們都以「知人」、「知言」為主要內容,而且都具有一種「主動性」,即具有一種主動建構價值論述的性能。但是「由知到智」仍然有一個跨度,那就是「外部化」或「展演」的過程。這就是「由證知而政治」的過程,君子透過證知建立起價值觀,再將此價值觀通過言語論述或身體力行等展演過程,推擴到整個社會,這是一種政治行為,也是一個智者應有的德行。 因此筆者以為「知」的圓滿運作過程,就是「智」的展現。如果能夠圓滿地認取價值觀並推廣、實踐之,才能作一「智者」。而在這種政治事業的背後,其實有一種與「仁」的互動關係。在這裡「政治」不只是現代語義下的「政治」,而是推廣一種人與天互動下產生的價值觀。以形下的角度而言,表現為禮樂制度的建立、實踐;以形上角度而言,是一種「知」與「天命」的互相詮釋。


This article is about the Zhi in Confucian Analects. Many scholars analyze Zhi in terms of consciousness and intuitive ability to know right or wrong. The former is about the organic functions, and the latter is about moral based on percept. But the author regards Zhi as “Zhi Li”and “Xing Li” according to cognitive mode. The Zhi in Confucian Analects includes two properties: to select and to put into practice. The former is the process that Confucius selects and proves moral values through experiences of humanity and history; the latter is put these moral values into action and spread them around. When selecting, Confucius uses the Zhi of “Zhi Li”; when practicing, he uses the Zhi of “Xing Li”. What I want to put emphasis on is that both the moral values and political values in Confucian Analects are interpretation for humility and history by Confucius. These values are based on the idea of “Tian Ming”, which is the principle of moral values in Confucian Analects. “Tian Ming” is constructed by the interaction of subjective initiative and objectivity: Tian and people interpret or define each other mutually. This is the Root and Work of Zhi in Confucian Analects.Althought Zhi can be discriminated as two properties, but Zhi must include “know people” or “know theory”, and include the initiative, the people who has Zhi must construct his theory of values. But Zhi has a representation of these values. Confucius construct his theory of values by “Jin Zhi”, and expand to whole society, this is a political active, and also is a proper morality and conduct.


Confucius The Zhi in Confucian Analects Tian Ming Tian Zheng Zhi Ren


錢 穆:《論語新解》,臺北:東大圖書股份有限公司,2008年10月。
