  • 學位論文


Sustainable Urban Village with Infrastructure landscape-A Case Study of Fu-Chou Area in Banquio

指導教授 : 蔡厚男


都市擴張是全球化與都市區域化之必經過程,導致都市邊緣地帶變成相對不穩定的區域。相較於都市中心的密度擁塞與環境品質的惡化,市郊邊緣地帶原本提供了相對優質化生活機會的可能,甚至經常成為中產階級逃離都市壓力的夢鄉。都市邊緣地景變遷的過程,易造成地域空間組成結構的混亂和曖昧,經常導致都市邊緣的地景碎裂、生態退化與社會經濟的劇烈變動。如果面對未來變化,都市邊緣集居的發展願景和目標定位不明,最終結局極可能會成為社經發展失落、資源退化、以及集體生活設施不足的邊陲窳落地區。 本研究以板橋浮洲地區作為研究基地,關切都市擴張下邊緣地區的變遷與發展,並試圖探討都市邊緣地區如何建構永續都市生活空間的模式。1960至1970年代間,在國民政府工業化與現代化的政策下,浮洲地區與板橋其他地區一同成為南部城鄉移民的落腳區域,容納了大量前來台北地區尋找工作的人口。於民國91年間,浮洲發布都市計畫,但是卻因區段徵收的財務不可行導致浮洲都市計畫施行的擱置。此後,浮洲逐漸與板橋市區的發展脫節。隨著新板特區的推行,板橋市區逐漸脫離過去邊緣城市的樣貌,取而代之的為商業辦公大樓與住宅大廈的林立,而浮洲地區卻仍保持著都市邊緣地帶住宅與工廠混雜的樣貌,逐漸自成一處為孤立的都市邊陲。近年來,在新北市的升格與新板特區開發模式的成功下,作為板橋地區最後一塊未整理的土地,新北市政府開始積極規劃發展浮洲的轉型,而於2011年成為政府合宜住宅政策計畫選定實施的地點之一。浮洲地區的空間重組與再生指日可期;惟目前浮洲地區的基礎設施陳年老舊而且服務水準不足,合宜住宅人口進駐之後,永續集居發展失衡的現象會將更加凸顯。基礎設施支持整個都市的運作,維繫都市賴以生存與發展的命運。本研究將試圖建構前瞻的市郊地景想像和地景基礎設施,邁向落實永續都市村落的集居模式和規劃設計的可能。


Urban expansion, a necessary process of globalization and urban regionalization, turns the metropolis fringe into a relatively unsteadily area. Compared to congestion and deterioration of the environmental quality in the core field of the city, a suburban area offer a possibility to realize a better and healthy lifestyle, and even become a dream of the middle class to escape the stresses from cities. However, the process of landscape changing in metropolis fringe, which has been created chaos and ambiguity of composed structure of the regional space, often results in fragmentation of landscape, degradation of ecology and dramatic vibration of society and economy. Without the exact vision and goal of development, when facing with changing of future, at the end, the edge of urban would become a slum region with the loss of development in social, economic, infrastructural ways. The research chooses Fuzhou area as the study case, focus on changing and developing of the metropolis fringe, and trying to construct a sustainable urban life model. Under the Influences of government policies in 1960s, Fuzhou area became an arrival area for immigrants, accommodated a huge population. In 2000, the government issued urban planning for Fuzhou area, but failed in the financial plight which made the development of Fuzhou area inconsistent with Banqiao center. However, following the recent trends of New Taipei City, the government starts to push the redevelopment on Fuzhou area. Therefore, Fuzhou spatial rearrangement and regeneration is probably soon to come. However, Fuzhou exiting infrastructure is clapped-out and insufficient to provide survives for public. Once the populations of social housing enter without comprehensive planning, the dream to become a sustainable Settlement urban village would collapse in reality. Infrastructures support the generation of the whole city, as the vital elements of a city. The consequence will argue how to cooperate with discussion of urban planning, construct visional landscape imagination and landscape infrastructure for suburban regions, and create practical Settlement patterns and planning design principle to achieve a sustainable urban village.


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