  • 學位論文


The Falcon and Manchu Political Culture

指導教授 : 陳熙遠


用鷹比喻政治之事,是常見於清前期統治者的作法。因為在屬於漁獵文化的女真社會中,鷹既是具體行獵所用之物,也是抽象的文化符碼。牠快速、勇猛、忠心的特質,被滿洲統治者視為八旗子弟應具有的美德。過去的研究者多將焦點放在鷹與北亞薩滿信仰的連繫上,卻從未注意到,在滿洲鷹文化的影響下,統治者不斷利用鷹這個文化符碼,推行政治上有利的措施。本論文從政治文化的角度切入,分析滿洲統治者的政治思維模式和行動風格,輔以文化交流理論,以及過往學者對於內亞地區的研究成果,討論滿洲人如何在政體轉變、國家機制擴大的同時,汲取自身文化傳統中的資源,以鷹這個跨滿、蒙、漢、回文化的符碼,強化民族認同,並面對帝國中不同文化的子民,乃至於帝國周邊有著相似文化傳統的民族。 本論文的主要架構有三,首先介紹滿洲鷹文化在入關前的形塑過程、入關後維持的狀況,以及當官方進行帝國整體知識建構時,透過此一知識化過程所建立起的滿洲鷹類系譜。其次,從鷹的迅捷、勇猛形象出發,討論清朝統治者如何利用滿洲文化中鷹的正面形象,做為要求八旗將士和官員的標準,同時突出鷹的軍事特質,將其納入大閱等國家軍禮的儀式,及舉行場所之中。最後,以鷹的社會性意涵為切入點,考察清帝國內部臣工進鷹的情形,將其視為清代皇帝建立「君臣一體」關係中的重要環節,並針對滿洲與蒙古、回部等周邊民族首領互相贈送鷹隻的情形加以討論,論析雙方送鷹的共同傳統文化基礎,檢視清帝國與內亞地區互動的權力關係,並藉此探討帝國的往來模式。同時從滿洲人面對的時代課題,來思考大清做為一個多民族帝國的特色。


滿洲 清帝國 政治文化 文化互動


Being a symbol in Manchu culture, falcons are swift, ferocious and submissive to their owners. Therefore, Manchu tribal chiefs and emperors took the falcon as a political metaphor, requiring their soldiers and officers to fight against the enemies on their commands and pledge loyalty to their masters like the falcon. However, they would sometimes choose to adopt the negative connotations of the falcon from Han culture to denounce some of the Han subordinates. On the other hand, the Qing rulers like Hontaiji and Qianlong Emperor, also considered submissive periphery people who lived in Inner Asia, like Mongol and Uighur, as the falcon. They commanded them to attack the enemy of Qing Empire just as falcons hunt their preys. When the Manchus moved into Beijing, they domesticated falcons in the palace for emperors. Because the falcon was valuable in Manchu, Mongol and Uighur culture, the officers and Mongol or Uighur nobles frequently presented the falcon as a gift to the emperor. Through this gift presentation, they confirmed the political relationships between monarchs and ministers, as were their empire and peripheral peoples. Qianlong Emperor commanded court artist to draw these falcons and he, himself, would also wrote poems about falcons. Paintings and poems of the falcons showed intentions to control the imperial officers, the Mongol and the Uighur tribes. This paper makes use of various archives, notes and images to present the particularity of the falcon in Manchu political culture. Regarded as a cultural symbol, the discourses and images of the falcon showed that Manchu emperors in early Qing used the element of their own culture to administer the multi-ethnic empire. They shaped the falcon as a positive paradigm to strengthen the Manchu identity. Meanwhile, they tried to communicate with Inner Asia tribes through their similar, if not shared, cultural practices. These policies allowed Manchu emperors to successfully administer their vast empire. Yet during the mid-nineteenth century, along with the increasing conversion of Manchu emperors into Chinese, the distinctive cultural representation of the falcon also gradually diminished.


