  • 學位論文


A Methodological Study of Longitudinal Manganese-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Rat

指導教授 : 嚴震東


順磁性的錳離子其通透鈣離子通道之特性,使其可進入活化的神經細胞並順向經由運輸蛋白與突觸小泡傳輸到後突觸細胞。透過量測不同腦區的T1 影像強度可得知各腦區的不同活化程度。這些特徵使得錳離子成為在神經迴路造影研究上一有利的工具。本研究在建立一個慢性埋管給予錳離子的方法來探測神經網路的可塑性變化。首先測試錳離子注射之穩定性及急性神經毒性,實驗顯示等濃度錳離子注射之容積與影像體素大小呈一線性相關。比較初級感覺皮質前掌區(S1FL)之誘發電位振幅在局部注射同側視丘腹後核側邊(VPL) 40 mM 0.5 μl之錳離子後無顯著差異。其次使用長期埋管的動物在單次錳離子注射後觀察錳離子在腦內的清除狀況,實驗顯示腦內錳離子清除半衰期約為26.57小時。最後使用長期埋管在VPL測試40 mM, 0.5 μl之低劑量錳離子是否可鑑別傷害性疼痛刺激,實驗顯示此劑量可成功分辨由福馬林前掌注射之周邊感覺刺激或是食鹽水前掌注射組。以上實驗顯示0.5 μl, 40 mM錳離子以8天以上的間隔可以在慢性埋管中重複施打於腦中來探測神經網路的長期變化。


The paramagnetic Mn2+ enters voltage-gated calcium channels and transported anterogradly in active neurons. Using these advantages, neuronal activity in different brain regions can be estimated in manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MEMRI). The present study tested the injection constancy, toxicity, clearance rate and detectability of intracranial manganese ion to establish a longitudinal MEMRI protocol. In acute experiment, first we found with constant concentration solution, injected volumes linearly correlated to the voxel numbers in the T1 images. Next we estimated the acute Mn2+ toxicity by recording evoked field potentials in the primary somatosensory cortex (SI) and injecting 40 mM, 0.5 μl Mn2+ solutions in the ventroposterior thalamic nucleus (VPL). The amplitudes showed no significantly differences after Mn2+ administration. In chronic implanted animals, images acquired in different time intervals after a single 0.5 μl, 40 mM Mn2+ injection showed a clearance rate in a half-life of 26.57 hours. For a functional test, we used forepaw formalin pain model. At the dosage of 40 mM and 0.5 μl, using a counter-balanced repetitive Mn2+ injection design, we found transported Mn2+ signal in the SI could be clearly differentiated from saline control. These result indicated 40 mM 0.5μl Mn2+ can be used for longitudinal MEMRI method to test long-term change in neural circuit plasticity.


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