  • 學位論文


An individual difference approach to the mindful effect of Ya-Yue: Investigating the effect of listening Sujecheon on reducing mind wandering

指導教授 : 連韻文


背景與目的:雅樂是儒家禮樂傳統所推崇的音樂,研究發現聆聽雅樂(以韓國宮廷樂《壽齊天》為代表)後,大學生在持續性注意力作業(SART)的表現較聆聽放鬆指導語者好,掌管覺察與自我控制的相關腦區會分別與心神漫遊相關腦區的功能性連結增強,顯示聆聽《壽齊天》有減少心神漫遊的效果,但只限於不討厭該音樂的人,且其影響機制仍不明。據此,本論文從個別差異角度探討與心神漫遊傾向有關的認知與性格因素對該效果的調節作用,並以延長的SART 作業驗證前述效果,期間以思緒探問方法檢驗聆聽《壽齊天》是否透過增進聽者對心神漫遊的覺察而提升專注力。方法:一百名參與者,首先進行工作記憶廣度、專注當下傾向與人格特質的測量,接著隨機分派至聆聽雅樂《壽齊天》組或無音樂聆聽的對照組,最後進行SART。結果與討論:結果顯示《壽齊天》有短暫降低心神漫遊及提升對心神漫遊覺察的效果,但兩者並無相關。對工作記憶廣度低、神經質高、嚴謹性高者而言,聆聽《壽齊天》比對照組在SART 的表現更好,效果更為延長,這個結果部分支持在認知與性格上容易心神漫遊者較能獲益於《壽齊天》。本論文再次驗證東亞音樂有類似正念導引的短暫靜心效果,並指出可能的受益者,可作為未來改善心神漫遊的輔助。


Background & Objective: Ya-yue is a traditional music highly admired by Confucius followers in East Asian countries. Previous study found that after listening "Sujecheon", a piece of Korean traditional court music belongs to ya-yue, undergraduate participants outperformed those who listened to instruction for relaxation in the sustained attention response task (SART). In addition, neuroimaging studies showed that the functional connectivity between brain areas associated to top-down control and mind wandering are enhanced during rest after listening to "Sujecheon". As these pioneering but few studies showed, listening to "Sujecheon" is effective on reducing mind wandering. Following the above finding, this study intended to investigate whether the presence of "Sujecheon effect" depend on listeners’ working memory capacities and personality related to mind wandering. Method: One hundred undergraduate participants were randomly assigned into two groups and tested individually: one group sit at rest while listening to "Sujecheon" for 17 minutes (50 people), the other group simply sit at rest without listening to anything (50 people). All participants then performed SART for 12 minutes, during which 12 thought probes were introduced to know participants’ awareness of mind wandering, if any. Participants’ working memory capacities, mindfulness traits and personality were measured in order before the resting period.Result: The results showed that, participants who had low working memory capacities, high neuroticism and high conscientiousness had lower reaction time variability,indicating a better sustain attention and less mind wandering tendency, after listening to "Sujecheon", compared to the control group. Discussion: The findings partially surpported the hypothesis that people who have characteristics in cognition and personality associated to high mind wandering tendency can benefit from listening "Sujecheon " better than those who do not. This study replicated the "Sujecheon effect" on temporarily reducing listeners’ tendency of mind wandering, like the effect of mindfulness induction and further clarified who are potentially the beneficiaries.


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