  • 學位論文


Multimedia Peer Review System: Students' Behavior in Presentation Course

指導教授 : 葉丙成


近年來,隨著智慧型行動裝置與雲端網路技術發展的普及性,將科技產品融入教育現場已然成為一種趨勢,不論是結合軟體或硬體,都能創造出嶄新型態的教育模式,國內外教育科技不斷創新突破,讓傳統的課堂學習添增豐富性,學生更能擁有高效的學習效率,科技與教育的共生發展必然是未來的教育模式。 本論文致力於開發多媒體互評系統於簡報口語表達課程,採用雲端伺服器架構系統,學生只需要利用可上網的電腦、平板電腦或智慧型手機,就可以使用瀏覽器進入本系統,無需另外下載任何軟體。此系統提供多媒體平台讓學生能夠上傳簡報影片作業,且同學間可以互相評分與給予建議回饋,再利用演算法設計,讓每次作業都能透過系統全自動的計算成績與排名,將學生彼此的互動回饋整理成線上報告以供學生參考與檢討,過程中完全不需要授課教師批改,完全以學生彼此互評即可完成作業評分。 本多媒體互評系統,設計了多項學生自主互動功能,每項功能皆有不同互動面向,透過實際應用此互評系統於簡報口語表達課程一整個學期,蒐集大量的使用者數據,再分析數據得知系統功能的使用率與不同功能間彼此的關聯,目標為找出具備何種因素之自主互動功能較能受學生使用,其結果可作為未來多媒體互評系統設計的考量,提升同儕相互學習的效果。


Due to the explosive growth of smart devices and emerging cloud computing technology, technology use in education has become a trend. This new type of technology is called “EdTech”. Technological breakthroughs in EdTech have changed the traditional education. Whether combined with software or hardware, EdTech products can create more new types of teaching methods. Symbiotic development of technology and education will be our future mode of education. In this thesis, a new multimedia peer review system is proposed and implemented to help create interactions among students. The system uses the cloud server architecture. Students can use a computer, tablet or smartphone to access system. This system provides a multimedia platform for students to be able to upload video presentations. Students can score and give feedback to each other via the system. The system itself can automatically calculate scores and rankings by using algorithm that can then be exported to online reports as references and reviews. The system is designed with many interactive features. Each feature has different design considerations. In order to find out user behavioral tendencies, the thesis analyzes the system usage statistics from Sep 2015 to Jan 2016. Based on the statistics, this thesis tests the correlation between usage rate and different features in order to figure out which factors influence usage. The results can be used as a reference for EdTech system design considerations in the future to enhance the effect of peer learning.


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