  • 學位論文


Rethinking the Hierarchy of Rukai Society in Vedai and Its Contemporary Change

指導教授 : 王梅霞


本文主要探討在魯凱族霧台部落社會文化中階序的概念及其在當代的變遷。在過去的研究中大多以社會結構的形式來分析魯凱族的階序概念,將其區分為貴族與平民之間的關係,但在筆者重新分析魯凱族霧台部落的社會階序概念後發現,除了貴族與平民之外,主要運作部落事務的是一群從平民中因其個人能力被部落所肯認而獲得社會地位及特殊權利的部落使者與士,因此,魯凱族霧台部落的階序概念不僅是建立在起源或先佔的原則上,被肯認的個人能力亦是階序概念中一個重要的原則。此外,過去許多的研究中皆指出魯凱族的階序受到外來勢力的衝擊,如日本殖民政府、國民政府及基督宗教,使得頭目的權利、地位逐漸消逝。然而,筆者在田野中卻經驗到個人能力此一原則反而成為部落族人在面對種種外力影響時抗衡、吸納並轉化的方式,透過物質文化的變遷及基督長老教會勢力的影響便能看見階序的動態性。 另外,筆者在田野經驗中亦發現男性/女性、長輩/晚輩等關係皆被鑲嵌在階序概念中,因為要成為一個魯凱人並非只是自我認同的存有方式,每個人從小就會透過各種儀式被納入家庭、部落乃至於族群當中,因此,個人的行為舉止及存有的形式與價值亦需要被部落族人所肯認後才能成為真正的魯凱人。所以,筆者認為若要了解魯凱族霧台部落的階序概念,更需要細膩的論述個人如何在日常生活中實踐。 最後,為了要完整呈現魯凱族霧台部落階序的整體性概念,筆者認為必須要探討頭目家系在當代部落社會中是如何被理解與認同。因此,筆者試圖重新整理各個頭目家系的系譜脈絡,並從中釐清頭目家系間的階序關係乃至於到當代如何被部落族人所認同。階序如同是石版屋裡的置物架,不論是頭目或是平民,一方面能夠展示家族及個人的能力,另一方面同時也隨時備受族人的檢視及肯認。


魯凱族 霧台部落 階序 物質文化


The purpose of this study is to rethink the hierarchy of Rukai society in Vedai and its contemporary change. In past studies, the hierarchy of Rukai society have been divided into taliyalalai and lakawkawlu, however reanalyze the hierarchy of Rukai society in Vedai, besides taliyalalai and lakawkawlu, as well as sasyakawlu and 士 who through their personal capability to be recognized by indigenous people to get the social status and special rights. Therefore the hierarchy of Rukai society in Vedai not only has the principle of precedence, the personal capability to be recognized is also a important principle of hierarchy. Moreover, in previous studies, the hierarchy of Rukai society was affected by external forces, such as Japanese colonial government、Nationalist government and Christianity, causing the rights and society status of taliyalalai gradually fade away. But in my feild study experience, the principle of personal capability become a way to resist, absorb and transform when indigenous people face the external force affect, especially in the process of changing material culture can be clearly seen. On the other hand, this study also found that the relationship between male/female, elder/younger are embedded in the principle of hierarchy of Rukai society in Vedai. If indigenous people want to become a Rukai, they not only need self-identity, but have to be absorbed into family, tribe and groups through a variety of rituals from childhood. Therefore this study uses more delicate description of how indigenous people practice in their daily lives, in order to learn more about the hierarchy of Rukai society in Vedai. Finally, this study analysises of how the taliyalalai is to be recognized and acknowledge, and re-collates every genealogy of taliyalalai lineage, on one hand to clarify the relationship of hierarchy between every taliyalalai lineage and how the taliyalalai is to be recognized, on the other hand to completely present whole concept of hierarchy of Rukai society in Vedai. Hierarchy is as shelf in the stone-board house, no matter taliyalalai or lakawkawlu, it can show the capability of person and family, and be inspected and recognized by all indigenous people at the same time.


Rukai Vedai Hierarchy Material Curture


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