  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study on Taiwan’s Radio Program Kodomo No Jikan 'Children's Time' in Colonial Taiwan

指導教授 : 王櫻芬


日治時期臺灣的廣播事業蓬勃發展,節目數量和內容都相當豐富,然而目前鮮少有針對單一節目的完整研究。因此,本論文以日治時期針對孩童所設計的廣播節目「子供の時間」為研究對象,歸納其節目發展、節目類型與內容、參與其中的演出者,並發掘脫胎於日本原型節目之臺灣特色;本論文另特別分析日本音樂教育的「唱歌」曲種在「子供の時間」的實踐。 臺灣的「子供の時間」全程參與了日治時期臺灣廣播史(1928-1945),是最穩定長壽的節目之一,節目類型共分為十大項,其趣味與教育兼備的內容符合孩童作為聽眾對象,而節目中眾多的幼稚園至青少年參與者,讓兒童從收聽面的被動角色,轉化成輸出節目的主動參與者。 作為日本原型節目的臺灣在地版本,「子供の時間」在節目類型上承襲日本的規劃,但在形制以外,內容上則可看見不少專屬臺灣的特色,這些特色不僅在臺灣島內播放,更在全日本廣播的「全國出中繼」展現。 以日本近代音樂教育的「唱歌」解析「子供の時間」中的歌唱曲目,則可發現唱歌教材確實都曾出現在「子供の時間」中,印證了日治時期唱歌教材的實際使用情形;然而「唱歌」並非整體歌唱節目中最常出現的曲種,可推知教育場域的歌曲仍與大眾性的廣播有所分野。 本研究的目的為充實日治時期的臺灣廣播研究、以及兒童音樂與文化,並期許將此研究作為日本放送研究之延伸及補充。


Radio broadcasting business thrived in Taiwan during its Japanese colonial period. Although numbers of programs and the content are substantially abundant, there has been little research aiming at a specific program. Therefore, this paper is devoted to the research on Kodomo No Jikan (Children's Time), a radio program specially designed for children. This paper sketches the overall development of Kodomo No Jikan and analyzes certain features of the program, including types of the content, content and participants involved in the program. In addition, this paper seeks to discover the “Taiwan feature” demonstrated in Kodomo No Jikan and how Shoka (Japanese school songs) was practiced in the program. Kodomo No Jikan had existed throughout the radio broadcast history in colonial Taiwan (1928-1945) and was one of the most stable and long-lasting program. It consisted of ten major types of content. The both educative and entertaining content conformed to children as audience. Also, participation of children in different ages had transformed them from passive audience into active broadcasters who engaged in the program vigorously. As the Taiwan version of its prototype from Japan, Kodomo No Jikan inherited the types of content from Japan’s Kodomo No Jikan. However, beyond the structure and form, there were many Taiwan features shown in the program. These features were not only broadcasted inside Taiwan, but also presented all over Japan in a special occasion called “National broadcasting”. In order to see how Shoka was practiced in Kodomo No Jikan, this paper selects several major lists of Shoka to match songs performed in the singing program of Kodomo No Jikan. Results show that those school songs indeed appeared in Kodomo No Jikan. However, Shoka was not the most frequent type of songs in the singing program. This implies a borderline between the educative school songs and radio broadcast in the category of mass media. The purpose of this paper is to enrich the research on radio broadcast and children’s music & culture in colonial Taiwan. More ambitiously, this paper is expected to be the extension and supplement of Japan’s broadcast research.


