  • 學位論文


Perverse Pacifics: Articulating Sexualities in Hawai'i and the Philippines in the Age of American Empire

指導教授 : 朱偉誠




This thesis centers on what I call perverse Pacifics to interrogate recent developments of Asian American studies and queer studies by taking into consideration the intersectionality of coloniality and sexuality in Pacific contexts. By perverse Pacifics, I refer to cultural practices of perverse sexualities in various Pacific contexts that had been transformed and conditioned by Western imperial projects and colonial governance. Articulating Hawai‘i and the Philippines is of vital importance in engaging with the age of American empire not only because these two colonial sites together proffer a necessary critique of the genealogy of the development of American empire in the Pacific, but also because the transnational diasporic connections between the two societies foreground the transpacific governmental structure of American empire. The repressed sexual cultures during the process of American colonial modernity, as this thesis argues, is a critical perspective for us to reconsider colonial genealogies in the Pacific. Reading a specific body of documentaries and literary texts through global-local dialectics, this thesis, on the one hand, emphasizes how the US colonial technologies have exerted influence on existing sexual cultures and social relations in local societies, and how the aesthetics of postcolonial queerness in contemporary cultural production embodies particular kinds of relational socialities with decolonial potential, on the other.


Works Cited
Arong, Marie Rose, and Daniel Hempel. “Towards a Philippine Transnation: Dreaming a Philippines in Ninotchka Rosca’s State of War.” ariel: A Review of International English Literature 48.1 (2017): 53-71. Print.
Brenneman, Robin. “Reviews of Educational Films.” Multicultural Perspectives 18.4 (2016): 206-08. Print.
Burbank, Jane, and Frederick Cooper. Empires in World History: Power and the Politics of Difference. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 2010. Print.
Chang, David A. “Looking at the Pacific from the Pacific.” Amerasia Journal 42.3 (2016): 23-27. Print.
