  • 學位論文


Compensation Issues of Taiwan Railways Administration

指導教授 : 蘇彩足


鑒於臺灣鐵路管理局員工近年頻繁地訴諸媒體要求改善其待遇,工會動輒以罷工、集體休假之方式獲取政府關注,且監察院、立法院、考試院及行政院等院級機關亦責成交通部與臺鐵局檢討與評估其待遇制度-「未實施用人費率事業機構待遇」如何與臺鐵局營運體制、組織及業務合理接軌。故本研究以文獻分析法及半結構式訪談法,細究臺鐵局現行待遇規章所建構之固定性給與、非固定性給與及福利事項存有哪些制度性問題,並以外部衡平性觀點,分析臺鐵局與一般行政機關在固定性給與之差異。另透過臺鐵局員工於108年至109年間爭取「生活津貼」及「春節疏運獎金」等二項個案,以羅聖朋(D.H. Rosenbloom)運用管理、法律與政治之觀點研討其動態過程,從各方參與者的多元觀點發掘潛藏或未獲解決的待遇問題。 研究發現,臺鐵局待遇制度有同酬不同工、同工不同酬、低職務待遇超越高職務待遇、非固定性給與過多且具爭議等問題,其中部分問題來自臺鐵局獨特的任用制度-「資位職務分立制」各職務配置不當所致。整體而言,待遇問題多在不合理,而非偏低,惟均衍生管理亂象,並導致內部員工安於現狀,降低創新求變的組織文化。 另臺鐵工會傾向以少數職務待遇偏低之問題,爭取通案調高薪資之方案,俾鞏固工會地位。工會善用其交通樞紐之關鍵地位,經常以對自身有利但不完全客觀屬實之策略性表述尋求各界支持。待遇調整之決策者,憚於罷工要脅,在我國選舉頻繁情況下,易傾向選擇回應工會,以致臺鐵局人事成本持續增加,但待遇不公的問題卻依然存在。


Taiwan Railway Labor Union (TRLU) has frequently communicated with the media to advance public policy initiatives for increasing its compensation in recent years. Executive Yuan, Control Yuan, Legislative Yuan, and Examination Yuan have instructed Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) to review and evaluate its compensation structure and to effectively incorporate TRA’s compensation structure into its organizational structure and daily operations. This study first employs document analysis and semi-structured interviews to discuss fundamental problems of TRA’s current compensation system, and then contrasts TRA’s compensation structure with other government bureaucracies’. In addition, in order to find more unsolved (or hidden) payment issues among TRA members, this study employs Rosenbloom’s “three approaches—managerial, political and legal” to examine TRLU’s “Living Allowance” and “Lunar New Year Bonus” appeal which it advocated for in 2019 and 2020. This study has found various compensation structural issues, including employees in the same pay grade having different roles; employees in the same roles having different pay grade; employees in lower hierarchy roles having higher pay grade than those at a higher hierarchy; and a large allocation of bonuses without objective measurement, etc. The origins of these issues are partly due to TRA’s distinctive appointment system. However, what these issues display is not the lack of sufficient resources, but the uneven distribution thereof. In the long turn, those issues lead to difficulty in managing employees, stagnant company culture, and reduction in employees' creativity and desire for advancement. TRLU, as it enjoys a dominant transportation network position, has the tendency to exploit specific low-pay cases as examples to advocate for a general increase in payment. Moreover, TRLU frequently pursues better payment by using information that is beneficial for itself while the information may lack objectivity evidence. However, the real purpose that TRLU fights for is strengthening its power and responding to fee-paying members. On the other hand, policymakers responsible for payment management tend to endorse the union’s requests, especially during election season as elections are held relatively frequently. The end result is TRA getting more personnel costs, but its actual compensation problems remain unsolved.


壹、 中文部分
ETtoday新聞雲,2019b,〈臺鐵喊調薪1~2萬留才...半年沒下文 工會揭「新人離職率達3成」〉 ,https://www.ettoday.net/news/20190617/1469066.htm#ixzz6QNLG7OW5,2020/06/25。
ETtoday新聞雲,2019c,〈被砍1.9億加班費!臺鐵員工痛心「多休一天少5000元」 關鍵原因曝〉,https://www.ettoday.net/news/20190515/1445075.htm#ixzz6QTLLLa35,2020/06/26。
Newtalk新聞,2019,〈臺鐵承諾員工加薪2萬跳票 產工:新人離職率達3成〉,Newtalk新聞網站,https://newtalk.tw/news/view/2019-06-17/261050,2020/06/25。
