  • 學位論文


A Corpus-Based System for Dementia Detection

指導教授 : 鄭士康




With the advent of an aging society, dementia has become a more and more important issue. Nowadays, the detection of dementia mainly relies on physician consultation, the test of cognitive function, fMRI images, and blood sampling. Under the premise that we estimate that the number of patients with dementia may increase in the future, we hope to use machine learning and deep learning techniques to achieve task assistance for the test of cognitive function. The data in this paper comes from Taipei City Hospital, Renai Branch, and National Taiwan University Hospital, including dementia patients and normal people. We use the subject's monologue description of the "cookie theft" diagram. We expect that the lack of some brain functions of dementia patients will affect the language expression ability and speech fluency. This research will analyze from basic machine learning classification and then deep learning model classification. The analysis process is divided into two parts. The first part is to extract features through linguistics. We hope to classify the data by part of speech distribution and related features. In the second part, we add contextual considerations through word embedding. And introduce techniques like BERT, to find an algorithm that can effectively detect patients with dementia.


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