  • 學位論文


Design of a Dynamic Positioning Controller Using Stereo Vision for a Biomimetic Autonomous Underwater Vehicle in Water Current

指導教授 : 郭振華




Biomimetic Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (BAUV) achieve the purpose of dynamic positioning in turbulent flow environment is the essential technology for our research team of Underwater Laser Communication System. In order to improve the accuracy and completeness of the information transmitted, this thesis is committed to development of a stable dynamic positioning for the BAUV in the turbulent water field. Nonlinearity of the dynamic systems and the uncertain environment are challenges of the controller design. This work presents a controller which adopts the stereo visual feedback as aids to the BAUV for the dynamic positioning in water currents. Firstly, a planar mathematical model of the BAUV is derived based on the Euler-Lagrange equation. The relationship between parameters of caudal, pectoral fins and movement of the BAUV are determined and design method based on sliding mode control theory is presented. Measured positions of the landmark by stereo vision were used to calculate relative relationship between the landmark and the BAUV in global coordinate. They combined with the motion model of the BAUV as the controller feedback. It is shown that the system error dynamics achieves stable state. This is verified by experimental data by showing that the vehicle under control reached stable hovering in water of constant and periodic disturbances flow.


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