  • 學位論文


Spatial and Temporal Variations in Subsurface Saturation at the Soil-bedrock Interface during Rainfall Events in a Headwater Catchment

指導教授 : 梁偉立




A headwater catchment is an area with variable hydrological characteristics and sediment transportation. Many previous studies indicated that stream flow is highly correlated with the distribution and connectivity of the saturated zones at the soil–bedrock interface. Subsurface saturation would expand downslope or upslope during rainfall events, which is controlled by soil depth and bedrock topography. In this study, we measured the pressure head at the soil–bedrock interface with a high resolution during rainfall events to clarify the pattern and mechanism of the expansion of subsurface saturation. The result showed that there are great spatial variations in soil depth, and the bedrock topography is more uneven than surface topography, especially at the middle and the lower parts of the slope. Based on surface and bedrock topography, we presume that shallow landslide occurred at the middle slope and sediment moved from the middle slope toward the lower slope. Consequently, the soil–bedrock interface at the middle and lower parts of the slope could be more broken than that at the upper part of the slope. The subsurface saturation at the upper slope would generate locally and expand downward, and subsurface saturation at the lower slope (i.e., gully) would expand to the middle slope in the early stage during the rainfall events. In the later stage when the rainfall amount increased, subsurface saturation at the upper and lower slopes would be connected at the middle slope. The sequence of the generation of subsurface saturation was much related to soil depth. Infiltration and lateral saturated flow at the soil–bedrock interface are the main mechanisms of the expansion of subsurface saturation. We presume that subsurface saturation at the middle slope would infiltrate into bedrock layers rapidly, which reduced the connectivity of subsurface saturation between the upper slope and the lower slope. We proposed that the hydrological properties of soil–bedrock interface, such as the fragmentation in the soil–bedrock interface, is an important factor in discussing the spatial and temporal variations in the subsurface saturation in a headwater catchment.


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