  • 學位論文


A secure and reliable distributed storage system with dynamic storage decision and error detection in IoT

指導教授 : 王勝德


最近幾年,隨著物聯網的無線技術與 IC 技術的成熟,各種小型感測裝置出現在我們的生活周遭,人們透過佈署這些感測器在環境中,蒐集各式各樣、數量龐大的資料。有時人們感興趣的資料可能存在於那些遠離都市或鮮少有人們活動的地方,這些地方的感測器可能沒有辦法隨時將蒐集到的資料上傳到網路上讓人使用,在感測器無法上傳資料的這段期間內,系統必須確保感測資料的完整性與安全性。 本論文中提出並實作了一個具有安全性、擴充性與可依賴性的 IoT 資料分散式儲存系統,在此系統下數個到數十個的感測器構成一個叢集,感測器在蒐集資料的同時,會將資料儲存在整個叢集當中並在能夠將資料上傳的時候將該期間內獲取的資料上傳至載具;技術上基本以 Shamir 提出的 secret sharing 演算法作資料分散式加密與還原,並使用 MQTT 協定作為結點間主要的溝通方式,我們並考慮了secret sharing 演算法中對錯誤備份的發現,與根據不同大小的感測器叢集,動態決定產生備份時的門檻值來達到較佳儲存空間的使用等問題。


In recent years, with the rapid development of Internet of Things (IoT), wireless and IC technologies, various IoT sensor devices have been deployed in our daily life. Since some sensing devices may not always be connected to the Internet, the sensor data should remain local for a period of time until it is collected by the mobile gateway or the operator. In this paper, we propose and implement an IoT storage system that considers security, scalability, and reliability. The IoT devices are organized into clusters in our system, each consisting of a number of sensing and storage devices. After the sensing device collects the information data, we store the data in the storage device in a distributed manner. When the gateway arrives or the system is eventually online, the system reassembles the data and uploads the data to the destination. The proposed distributed storage system is based on the Shamir secret sharing scheme and the MQTT communication protocol. We use the secret sharing algorithm in the data distributed encryption and recovery module and use MQTT as the transport protocol. In addition, we consider and propose a solution to the error shares problem in the secret sharing algorithms, and propose a method to dynamically determine the threshold, which makes the system have better storage efficiency.


IoT MQTT secret sharing distributed storage system security


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