  • 學位論文


Portable system for assessment of balance function and postural control

指導教授 : 趙福杉


由於近十年來出生率下降及平均壽命之延長,高齡社會已成為全球趨勢且在 台灣尤其顯著。隨著年紀漸長,身體各系統功能下降,影響的層面包括認知功 能、視覺、平衡覺、本體感覺、肌肉力量與協調性等,形成老年病症候群,增加 了老年人跌倒的可能。據統計,65 歲以上的老年人口中,每年約有三成的人發生 跌倒事件,進而造成身體不適、骨折、甚至失能。因跌倒而產生的醫療花費與照 顧成本會造成社會的巨大負擔。 環境因素、認知狀態、各項生理功能等的加總造成了跌倒事件的發生,雖然許多研究投入跌倒發生的研究,但目前仍無法有效預測其發生。無法預測跌倒的發生就無法有效率地事先預防。重心動搖儀可以檢測平衡功能及姿態控制的能力,或許可作為跌倒風險評估與預測的工具。 目前常規醫療中已使用重心動搖儀檢測患者的平衡功能及姿態控制能力,然而此儀器的輸出項目固定、無遠端連線的功能且不適合攜帶,限制了其應用於跌倒風險評估與預測的研究。 本研究將設計一個平衡功能及姿態控制檢測系統,具有量測精準、可自行擴充輸出指標、具有機動性等特色,並提供簡潔的人機操作介面。期望藉由此檢測系統,準確的評估與預測跌倒的風險,未來進一步配合長照政策,發展到宅評估與篩檢,達到次級預防、減少跌倒的目標。


Recently, the trend of aging in the world became inevitable, and it is occurring now in Taiwan. With aging process, multisystem deterioration occurs, which includes impaired cognitive function, vision, vestibular function, proprioception, and coordination, and is known as geriatric syndrome. The deterioration in physical function contributes to development of falls. Approximately 30% of older adults aged ≥65 sustain a fall annually, resulting in physical discomfort, fracture, or even disability. The burden following falls, including medical expenses and additional care-related cost, is heavy. Risk factors for falls include increasing age, muscle weakness, functional limitations, environmental hazards, use of psychoactive medications, and a history of falls. The multifactorial nature of fall makes precise prediction of the event difficult. Balance impairment have been shown as one of the main risks for falls, and thus balance function assessment may be used for fall prediction. Nowadays, posturography is used to evaluate balance function and the ability of postural control, but it has poor flexibility in assessment items, and lacks of remote control function and portability. Therefore, it is improper for research of fall prediction in community, and is difficult to integrate into long term care system. The aim of this project is to develop a balance function and postural control assessment system, which is accurate in measurement, flexible on output items, and easy to carry and operate. It can be used in research of fall prediction and assessment, and may further incorporated into long term care system to reduce fall events.


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