  • 學位論文

陳水扁與馬英九政府大陸經貿政策比較(2000-2010) :正常化與自由化的戰略目標分析

A Comparison of Policy on Trade with Mainland China under the Chen Shui-Bian and Ma Ying-jeou Governments (2000-2010): Analysis of the Strategic Objectives of Normalization and Liberalization

指導教授 : 陳明通


Since President Ma took office, he has time and again referred to the idea of normalizing the cross-strait economy and trade. But in fact, former President Chen had already referred to the normalization of cross-strait relations when he was in office. They both refer to normalization, but why are their respective economic and trade policies in dealing with Mainland China so different? This article explores the reasons for these differences. Presidents Ma and Chen both mention normalization, but their respective strategic thinking is different. President Ma's overall strategic thinking is "maintaining the status quo and Taiwan-first ". In contrast, President Chen's overall strategic thinking is "the normalization of cross-strait relations". In this context , the development of political and economic to be different. This thesis employs Comparative analysis and Text Analysis as its research methods. I make a systematic comparison of the presidents' strategic thinking and describe the actual act of political and economic that support their strategic thinking. Finally, I compare the presidents' economic and trade policies on Mainland China and distinguish between policies for normalization, or liberalization.


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