  • 學位論文


A Time-domain Unbalance Algorithm for The Design of a Series-type Voltage Regulator

指導教授 : 許源浴


由於科技產業之蓬勃發展,所需電源品質也逐漸被重視,電力系統中鄰近饋線故障是造成電壓驟降與電壓不平衡的主因,而其中又以單相接地之不平衡故障最為常見,這些問題,通常會導致工業製程的停機或誤動作,甚至會造成設備的損壞。 本論文提出的系統架構為一電壓源反流器,透過一變壓器與饋線串聯,應用時域不平衡演算法及脈波寬度調變的技術,來控制反流器的輸出電壓。 本論文所提出之動態電壓調整器是以個人電腦為基礎,配合研華科技公司PCL-1800資料擷取卡來完成整個硬體控制核心。最後再以電腦模擬和實作結果來驗證所提之架構及演算法的效能。


With the fast development of high technology industry, the quality of power supply is of great concern nowadays. Most voltage dips and unbalances are caused by faults in adjacent feeders, especially single phase to ground fault (SLGF) events. Such problems often result in the shutdown of industrial processes, or even equipment damages in some extreme cases. The proposed system consists of a voltage-sourced inverter(VSI) connected in series with the load via a coupling transformer. An unbalance algorithm in time domain is proposed in order to control three-phase AC output voltage of the VSI operated in the pulse-width modulation mode. The control kernel for the proposed DVR is based on a personal computer with an Adventec PCL-1800 data acquisition board. The effectiveness of the DVR is verified by computer simulation and experimental results.


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