  • 學位論文


Manipulating Shape and Material of Bidirectional Texture Functions

指導教授 : 歐陽明
共同指導教授 : 莊永裕


將真實世界內的複雜材質如皮革、衣料、藤製品完美地繪製出來仍然是件艱鉅的挑戰,在圖學領域中有不少研究專家致力於找尋一個合適的表示式來描述複雜材質,同時還要能兼顧繪製品質與效率。需要考慮的議題是複雜材質呈現的模樣是由材質表面的細微中介幾何起伏與表面的反射性質共同影響所造成的。一般而言,圖學使用三維模型、中介幾何與物體反射特性由巨觀到微觀的三個層次, 來表示真實世界的一切。我們有機會透過中介幾何與物體反射性質和之間的相互作用,來描述複雜材質。但是如何描述中介幾何、反射性質並確保相互作用後能得到良好的結果會是件困難的事。 於是,我們在這論文中希望從雙向材質函數(Bidirectional Texture Functions,BTFs)中分離出取樣材質的表面中介幾何與物質的反射性質,並且能夠針對分離出來的結果作一些簡單的處理來得到新的複雜材質。 在本論文中,我們採用二階段的處理流程來達成目標。雙向材質函數是一種描述複雜材質的抽像表示式,使用一組龐大的影像資料庫來逼近材質的真實面貌。每張影像是在密集的視點光源取樣下所得到的,影像中的每個像素都已對應到取樣材質的同一塊區域。在每個像素都不相互影響的假設之下,我們利用立體光度測試法(photometric stereo)的原理來還原每個像素所代表的材質表面法向量與反射特質。接著,我們提供一組使用簡易的操作介面和處理運算子,允許使用者針對還原後的反射特質與法向量做更動或指定,在經過適當的變動後,我們可以生成多種嶄新有趣材質資料。在現今雙向材質函數表示法的種種限制下,如儀器本身的金錢成本與取樣的時間成本考量,我們所提出的方法只要求幾個基本的雙向材質函數資料,即可以生成多樣新的材質,能避免建造取樣儀器的成本與大量減少重新取樣的時間。


雙向材質函式 貼圖 繪製


Currently, realistic rendering of complex materials in real-time is still a big challenge. Many graphics researchers have devoted to study representations of real-world materials for better rendering quality. The most critical issue is that: it is hard to separate the intermixed shading of complex materials, which is generated by surface meso-structure and reflectance. In this thesis, a method is presented to manipulate shape and reflectance of bidirectional texture functions (BTFs), which is a general representation of complex materials. We first separate a BTF into shape (surface meso-structure, or a normal map in practice) and reflectance (bidirectional reflectance distribution functions, BRDFs). Furthermore, we can manipulate the shape and reflectance to create new synthesized materials. Two phases are employed to achieve our objective. First, assuming that the reflectance of every pixel in a BTF behaves independently, we recover the per-pixel normal and BRDF parameters based on photometric stereo. Afterwards, we provide a friendly user interface and several operations to manipulate the recovered shape and reflectance to produce numerous plausible materials. In consideration of cost of the acquisition a real BTF, our work provides an alternative method for generation of complex material.


BTF Texture Rendering


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