  • 學位論文


design of new type of oximeter

指導教授 : 王唯工


正確的評估血氧濃度對於掌握具有呼吸障礙的病人的生理狀態是很重要的。雖然現在光學式的血氧濃度計已經廣泛的在醫院被使用然而由於血氧計的價錢有點高所以在一般居家還是很少見。 然而並非所有的病人都是在醫院被照顧,有些比例還是在家中由看護來照顧,但是即使是二十四小時的看護也無法在夜間完全掌握到病人的情況。極有可能發生當病人已經缺氧多時而看護還沒發現的情形,這時候如果能在病人手指上配戴一血氧濃度計的探頭,不斷的監控血氧濃度,當發生缺氧時,由機器發出警報進而使得病人可以得到即時的處理。 基於這樣的原因我們希望發展一個居家型的血氧監控系統。因為是要在家中被使用,所以希望尺寸不要太大,而且我們希望用一種有別於傳統脈衝式血氧濃度計較為直觀簡易的方式來監控血氧濃度。 我們希望此新式血氧濃度計能具有比市面上的脈衝式血氧濃度計更更高的靈敏度。在發生缺氧狀態時,能更早一步的偵測到缺氧情形進而發出警報。


How to compute oxygenation accurately is very important for understanding patient's condition with breathing problem. As development of oximeter, it's easier to obtain oxygen saturation with noninvasive way. Although oximeters are widely used in hospital but not home because the price of the oximeter is a little bit high. Some parts of elderly or patients are taken care of at home by nurses , even a nurse hardly monitors the patient's condition during the night, so it could happen that patient is hypoxic for a long time but the nurse doesn't realize it. In this case, if the finger is worn by a probe connected to oximeter. Once hypoxia happens, the oximeter will alarms and inform us so that we can send the patient to the hospital in time!! Because the reasons we said, we try to design a device for home care that can monitor oxygen saturation all the time. In order to be used at home, our device requires small size . We attempt to monitor oxygenation with a simple way that differs from the method of pulse oximeter. And we hope our device be more sensitive than the regular pulse oximeter, then it will alarm earlier when hypoxia happens. Our thesis includes optical method, structure of the device, experiments , device testing. First, we will introduce the principle of pulse oximeter and our method, then explain how does the device work. We will do some experiments to verify the device and design a flow chart of detecting hypoxia in real time. Finally, we will have some discussions and conclusions.


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