  • 學位論文


Height Growth Response of Plantation Taiwan Spruce(Picea morrisonicola ) to Climatic Variations at Tatachia area, Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 關秉宗


本研究以台灣中高海拔塔塔加地區37年生之臺灣雲杉(Picea morrisonicola)造林木為材料,進行溫度與雨量因子對樹高生長的影響分析。以雲線平滑擬合曲線將高生長趨勢移除,並依樹冠優勢度將28株樣木分為優勢木、中勢木及被壓木三主要層級,分別合成代表全體及各層級樣木資訊的主序列。氣象資料則取用鄰近的中央氣象局阿里山氣象站之觀測資料(1972~2002年),計算頂芽發育至抽長完成期間(前一年8月至當年7月)兩個生長週期之溫度、雨量等不同月份之特徵變數序列,利用相關函數研究樹高標準化序列與氣候因子之間的關係。   初步結果顯示不同的生長趨勢擬合曲線對分析結果影響不大,不同樹冠層間計算出的序列與全體之主序列相似度頗高。各序列與氣候資料分析結果顯示,樹高生長與前一年9月至10月之降雨量有正相關(r = 0.53);與當年3月的平均氣溫存在顯著的負相關性(r = -0.56)。不同優勢層間反應並不完全一致,以中勢木對氣候反應較具敏感性。推測9-10月頂芽發育期若水份充足,對臺灣雲杉的高生長具有相當的貢獻,而前一年11月降雨則可能降低頂芽抗凍性;高生長與3月均溫的負相關可能是由於提早暖化的綻芽受晚霜危害所致。   自高生長對氣候反應研究中發現,不同單株對不同氣候變數有不同的反應,研究地氣候濕潤的環境中雨量因子仍具有影響效應,而氣候因子間具有互補作用,各因子對高生長的影響力並非絕對。高生長對氣候的反應與樹輪並不一致,因此可以為氣候研究之互補。


This study examined the influences of various climatic variables on annual height growth of Taiwan spruce (Picea morrsionicola) over a 37-year period. Height growth data were derived from stem analysis of 28 plantation Taiwan spruces. Based on total height, the 28 trees were classified as dominant, codominant, or suppressed. Age related height growth trend of each tree was first removed by a smoothing spline. Then a main series was constructed for the 28 trees, as well as for each dominance class. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was then used to examine how various temperature and precipitation variables correlated with annual height growth. The main series for the codominant class and the whole group all suggested that the annual height growth was positively correlated with the amount of precipitation in previous September (r = 0.53). Annual height growth was negatively correlated with the mean monthly temperature of March of the current year and the amount of precipitation in previous November (r = -0.56 and -0.39, respectively). The main series for the dominant and the suppressed classes were not sensitive to the climatic variables examined. This study showed that the previous year’s summer temperature might not be a limiting factor for height growth of Taiwan spruces, which differed from that of the other studies conducted in high latitudes. A higher temperature and a higher amount of precipitation before the end of the previous growing season, and a lower temperature before current year’s bud-break all promoted current year’s height growth.


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