  • 學位論文

中國的網路異議與治理挑戰 -以2011年溫州動車事故及大連PX抗爭為例

Internet Dissent and Governance Challenges in China -Case Studies of the Wenzhou Train Accident and Dalian “PX” Protests

指導教授 : 陳明通


中國的網路科技發展迅速,並逐步成為公民社會發聲的平台。這線上(online)的平台使中國網民(Netizen)在經濟鬆綁、政治嚴密的後極權中國,得以運用資訊互動,展現其知情權與監督權的追求,或走出虛擬空間,串聯成實際的集體街頭行動。網路輿論異議以及街頭遊行示威;網民力量的崛起,在中國各大社會事件中扮演的不僅止於觸媒,更是直接參與其中的要角,這道力量對中國政府治理已然構成新一波的挑戰。 本文以2011年溫州動車事故及大連PX項目抗爭兩起事件作為研究個案,為彰顯中國公民透過有別於傳統主流的網際網路載具,參與公眾事件的爭辯、衝擊和影響傳統中國的治理機制。資料來源主要為天涯社區論壇相關的網民原始文本,藉由質性分析軟體Nvivo的開放式編碼來分析論壇文章中的議題與回帖,並同時針對文章作者作地區、性別以及年齡的人口結構統計。研究發現中國政府在面對網路抗爭,顯現「因事制宜」的兩手策略;對於官員行為惹議的討論上相對寬鬆,另一手卻對街頭行動的討論嚴密管控。網路抗爭所帶來的挑戰,不單反應在政府危機處理的速度上,更直接問責政府官員。此外,本研究泰半的研究文章皆能看到網民對中國政府權力與權威的戲謔與調侃;中國的網民現象有逢官必反、遇富必仇的特性,而這些特性程度上意味著中國官與民的疏離與隔閡。最後,從官員層級與問責報告的指標上觀察,呈現中國政府愈加重視網路異議,愈長時間及愈廣範圍的網民輿論可解讀為社會抗爭的規模,因此網路異議與中國的網民現象在後極權時代下將會是公民抗爭的重要途徑與新興趨勢。


Rapidly -developing Internet technologies have become the platform for Chinese citizens to voice dissent. In the economically-liberalized but politically-unreformed environment of post-totalitarian China, online platforms allow the Netizen to seek his or her right to know and supervise, and even to engage in street protests. Internet dissent and protest, the power of China’s Netizen, empowers internet users to play a role not only as a catalyst for major social developments in China, but also as a direct participant in these developments. This power has highlighted the growing challenges to governance in China. Through case studies of the Wenzhou Train Accident and Dalian “PX” plant incident that took place in 2011, this study explores the politics of rising civil engagement in public affairs in China through wider utilization of the Internet. The data source for both case studies are internet posts related to the Wenzhou Train Accident and Dalian “PX” plant incident in the Tianya(天涯社區) online forum. A set of indicators is developed and the qualitative analysis software Nvivo is employed to code the content of the online forum. The coding results are also cross-examined for several characteristics of the participants. This study finds that China’s government employs a two-pronged strategy in dealing with internet dissent, allowing looser control of criticism of state officials while exerting strict control over collective action. The challenge of Internet activism has pushed China’s authorities to increase the speed of crisis management and improve government accountability. Moreover, in the posts related to these cases, Netizen mock and satire authority. The characteristic features of China Netizen are opposition to officials and hatred of the rich. These features imply a wide distance between officials and citizens. Finally, based on observation of promotion and accountability reports for Chinese officials, this study concludes that China takes internet dissent seriously because the long-term and wide-ranging discussions of the Netizen demonstrate the scale of social unrest. Thus, Internet dissent and the Netizen will be the vehicle for citizens’ movements in post-totalitarian China.


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