  • 學位論文


The Vision of International Education Service Trade: The Strategic Studies of Business Development KADI International Group Case Study

指導教授 : 黃崇興


中國社會經濟的快速發展,離不開作為基礎智力支持的教育事業。中國基礎教育經過多年發展與改革,目前已基本實現了普及化和標準化,但在特色化和個性化教育方面尚有很大的發展空間。社會經濟發展及民眾視野和觀念的開放,使得高端教育、特色教育、國際化教育業已成為傳統學校教育的重要補充;各類致力於引進西方先進教育理念和優質教育資源的高中階段國際教育服務機構,在中國教育及學校體制改革中扮演著日益重要的角色,國際教育服務行業呈現出蓬勃發展的勢頭。 本文擬聚焦于高中階段的國際教育服務,以凱迪教育為案例,在國際教育服務貿易的視野下探討國際教育機構的發展戰略。全文主要由兩部分構成。前半部分闡述和分析高中階段國際教育服務行業的基本環境,探討高中階段國際教育服務行業的宏觀環境及其影響,並對其市場進行SCP分析,瞭解行業市場競爭的基本態勢及其未來發展趨勢。 後半部分概述凱迪教育的發展歷程、資源、能力及競爭環境,並應用SWOT對其優勢、劣勢、機會和威脅因素進行系統分析,在此基礎上為凱迪教育機構進行戰略發展規劃,包括其服務產品市場定位、管道和競爭策略、行銷策略、財務策略、技術支援系統及人力資源策略等。 期待本文研究對促進我國高中階段國際教育服務的健康發展提供一定的參考,同時對行業內教育機構發展戰略規劃有所啟示和借鑒。


In this era with a fast developing economy, there is a growing demand of personalized and international education, and many families are looking for an alternative to traditional schooling for their children. Against this background, there are more and more educational institutions which committed to promoting international curriculum and programs to young Chinese students by exploring and integrating global education resources. This dissertation focuses on international education services in secondary education area, and takes KADI International as a case to discuss the developmental strategy of education institutions under the vision of international trade in educational services. It mainly comprises of two parts: the literature review and the strategic planning of KADI International. The literature review part examines the macro-background, industry environment and resource condition of international education services, and makes SCP analysis of the competitive markets, in order to examine the basic trend of industry development. In the part of analysis of KADI International it gives an overview of the developmental history, competitiveness and resources of KADI International, and applies SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Thread) approach to examine its educational services and conducts a strategy planning for KADI International of its market positioning of educational service, competitive and marketing strategies, HR and financial strategies. With the study of a prospering industry and a prospering enterprise, the dissertation is expected to provide a systematic analysis in formulating the company’s developing strategy and promoting the sound development of international education industry.


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