  • 學位論文


E-journal reading habits of graduate students: triage and skimming behavior

指導教授 : 吳明德


本研究主要探討不同學科領域研究生篩檢與略讀電子期刊文章之行為,以及電子期刊文章內容組織與呈現方式差異對研究生篩檢與略讀行為之影響。本研究之研究對象,為十五名國立台灣大學之碩士班研究生;其中,五名來自於外國文學研究所、五名來自於社會學研究所以及五名來自於化學研究所。同時,所有研究對象皆具備明確的論文研究主題以及電子期刊文章閱讀與使用經驗,且已閱讀過一定數量之英文文獻。   本研究分別設計了1)電子期刊文章查詢及篩檢與2)電子期刊文章略讀兩項任務,首先要求受訪者從英文期刊文章資料庫中查詢並篩檢出5篇符合其研究需求之相關文章後進行存檔;接著再請受訪者從已存檔的5篇文章中挑選出1篇文章,於電腦螢幕中進行略讀。同時,本研究也利用螢幕記錄軟體追蹤並記錄受訪者進行任務期間之螢幕活動,收集其篩檢文章所花費之時間、篩檢文章所參考之書目資訊、略讀文章所檢視之文章部分,以及略讀文章所花費之時間等資訊,以便後續觀察與分析。接著,再於事後訪談中請受訪者進一步說明自己的篩檢與略讀期刊文章行為。最後,本研究基於IMRD結構模型,針對受訪者於文章查詢及篩檢任務階段所存檔的75篇文章之內容組織與呈現方式,進行進一步觀察與分析。   研究結果顯示,多數受訪者會同時參考文章簡單書目資訊以及全文內容來篩檢電子期刊文章。儘管各學科領域受訪者進行篩檢判斷時注重的項目不盡相同,但所有受訪者皆以文章題名做為篩檢判斷的首要依據,且更看重包含檢索關鍵字的文章題名;而摘要則為絕大多數受訪者快速掌握文章內容概要的主要資訊來源。多數受訪者篩檢單篇文章所花費的時間不超過三分鐘。同時,文章篇幅之長短亦會影響部分受訪者對於文章的篩檢判斷以及閱讀意願。再者,大部分受訪者在略讀過程中對於文章開頭前幾頁予以較多的重視,而短時間的略讀也確實有助於受訪者掌握文章重點並篩檢出真正符合需求的文章。此外,研究也發現,儘管各學科領域電子期刊文章內容章節標示之情況各異,然無論何種類型之文章章節標示,皆有助於受訪者快速及有效的篩檢與略讀期刊文章。再者,不同的期刊文章內容分欄排版方式則會影響受訪者之閱讀舒適度及速度;其中,外文領域以及社會學領域的受訪者偏好閱讀單欄排版的文章,反之化學領域的受訪者則偏好閱讀雙欄排版的文章。同時,不同的期刊文章內容分欄排版方式也會影響部分受訪者之文章篩檢判斷。      目前多數的期刊資料庫乃根據文獻的相關性高低來排列並呈現其檢索結果,而本研究基於研究結果,建議電子期刊資料庫廠商可在檢索結果中優先列出並強調命中關鍵字之文章題名;此外,針對不同學科領域之期刊文章,也可考慮該學科領域之研究特性,選擇性強調其使用者所在意的書目資訊,以協助提高篩檢效率。同時,資料庫也應在檢索結果中更明顯地呈現取得全文之連結,以協助使用者快速辨識該連結並快速取得全文。再者,由於研究發現部分期刊文章在全文中並沒有附上相關摘要,因而亦建議期刊廠商應於每篇文章全文中附上內容摘要,以協助使用者快速掌握文章重點。


This study investigated graduate student e-journal triage and skimming behaviors. We analyzed the content structures of journal articles from 3 disciplines to examine their effects on student behaviors. Fifteen graduate students from National Taiwan University were recruited to participate in the study, with 5 from the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, 5 from the Department of Sociology, and 5 from the Department of Chemistry. All students were working on their theses and were required to read a certain number of English journal articles.   We assigned 2 tasks in this study: journal-article triage and skim reading. Students were requested to search English databases and choose 5 relevant articles that met their research needs. They then skimmed 1 of the 5 articles on the computer screen. Student behaviors were recorded using screen-image capture software. Time spent in triage, bibliographic elements observed, sections of an article skimmed, and time spent in skimming were collected. Students explained their triage and skimming behaviors in the follow-up interviews. The contents of all 75 articles saved by students during database searches were further analyzed based on the IMRD structure model.   The results indicated that most students judged article relevance based on brief bibliographic information of the search results and the full text of the article. Certain variations existed among different disciplines, but the article titles (particularly those containing keywords that the searcher used) were the most mentioned bibliographic element on which students made initial judgments. When browsing an article, most students indicated the abstract as the key source in helping them judge document relevance. Most students spent less than 3 min in the judgment process. A few students reported that article length affected their triage behavior and their reading intention. When skimming an article, students reported first reading a few pages and considered the abstract a primary source in helping them judge relevancy in a short time. Students also mentioned that skimming helped them grasp the main concepts of an article and make a judgment of relevance. Content structures were found to differ among journals in the 3 disciplines. However, students agreed that an article with clear sections and headings was useful for their triage and skimming behavior. We found that journal-article layout affected student-reading speed and sense of comfort. Literature and sociology students preferred reading articles paged with only one column, whereas chemistry students preferred two-column articles. Certain students indicated that article layout also affected their triage behavior.   Most databases rank retrieval results according to document relevance. E-journal databases may list documents containing keywords used by searchers in top retrieval results. Database results of different disciplines may require specific bibliographic information that is suitable for searchers of that discipline. Full-text linkage must also be explicitly marked. We found that not all journal articles included an abstract, particularly those in the literature field. We recommend presenting an abstract to help readers quickly catch the key concept of an article.


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