  • 學位論文


A Study on First Sale Doctrine in the Digital Era: Comparative Study of the U.S. and the E.U.

指導教授 : 黃銘傑


自美國聯邦最高法院處理Bobbs-Merrill v. Strauss.案以及國會將其意旨明文化於1909年之美國著作權法後,散布權耗盡原則見於成文法已逾百年。該原則係指著作物經著作權人或經其同意首次銷售或所有權移轉並具獲取報償之機會後,著作權人之散布權即告耗盡,對任何人均不得再行主張散布權。申言之,由於散布權與所有權均具有排他性,惟何者之排他性較為優先,難免發生衝突,此際,散布權耗盡原則便是作為標示出兩者分界之作用。 若謂「著作權法制史,就是科技的發展史」,隨著科技發展,運行逾百年的散布權耗盡原則也開始顯得捉襟見肘。舉例言之,從「易買賣為授權」開始,著作權人藉由添加些許「魔術用語」,將本質上之買賣行為轉變為單純授權,意在規避散布權耗盡原則,此種行為該如何處理,值得探討;而隨著數位科技之盛行,傳統的實體印刷書也有了不同的形式。若散布權耗盡原則是為了因應實體世界裡可能發生之權利衝突,於是我們要問的是,那數位世界呢? 為此,本論文先從根本出發,以傳統散布權耗盡原則之理論基礎開展,蓋萬變不離其宗,須先了解制度本旨,始能應萬變。隨後探討傳統散布權耗盡原則目前所面臨之困境,特別是散布權耗盡原則於數位時代下如何圓滑運作,有賴解釋。是以,本論文所涉重要內容為:關於易買賣為授權,美國Vernor案所提出的三項判準與歐盟UsedSoft案的兩大要件即有不同解釋,此其一;若肯認數位著作得以自由轉售,於數位傳輸下亦會遇到許多問題,所涉著作權人之排他權侵權疑慮又如何解決,此其二;最後,歐盟UsedSoft案作成後,牽動萬千神經,此案之後的實務發展又是如何,值得觀察,本文亦簡單收錄數則判決供卓參,此其三。 本論文初步認為散布權耗盡原則縱以實體世界作為設計背景,惟其制度意旨於數位時代仍有其重要性,不容抹滅。從而本論文最後則嘗試建構數位時代下之「數位耗盡原則」,惟數位耗盡原則之建構最終仍係以均衡利益為目標,本文亦簡單透過契約自由、合理使用、競爭法等不同面向思考,嘗試給予數位耗盡原則更多元之理論基礎。


The Supreme Court first articulated the first sale doctrine and the issue of copyright exhaustion in the 1908 case Bobbs-Merrill v. Strauss. In 1909, Congress revised the Copyright Act to codify the 1908 Bobbs-Merrill decision on copyright exhaustion. In 1976 the language was changed to its current version in 17 U.S.C. §109(a), which reads: “Notwithstanding the provisions of section 106(3), the owner of a particular copy or phonorecord lawfully made under this title, or any person authorized by such owner, is entitled, without the authority of the copyright owner, to sell or otherwise dispose of the possession of that copy or phonorecord.” But first sale doctrine is designed for the material world. In the digital era, users worldwide enjoy digital goods such as e-books, music, movies on a daily basis. So if users want to resell their digital goods, they will meet a lot of obstacles. First, in this thesis, I try to point out one critical issue about first sale doctrine in the digital era, it is so-called ‘change sale to license’, which concerns that users are often prohibited from using digital goods as they expect. Second, I also discuss the concerns of copyright infringement in the digital transmission. Finally, in this thesis, I try to discuss how to let exhaustion doctrine apply in the digital era and try to think ‘digital first sale doctrine’. I focus on not only U.S. copyright law, but also briefly examine analogous copyright laws in the European Union. Besides, I also collect many leading cases such as Vernor case in U.S. and UsedSoft case in E.U., post-UsedSoft case especially.


