  • 學位論文


A Study of Internet-only Banks’ Strategy for Next Bank

指導教授 : 曹承礎


伴隨金融科技日漸發達,台灣亦開放設立純網銀,然而純網銀受限於無法設立實體分行的限制,再加上法規上對於網銀經營項目有所限制,純網銀該如何在已極為競爭的金融市場上,殺出一條生路? 本研究採個案分析的方式,研究中國、日本、新加坡、香港、韓國的著名純網銀案例,並歸納出四大經營策略。最後,再連結台灣金融市場,透過PEST模型分析國內金融環境,並以SWOT分析結合外部環境帶來的機會與威脅,及個案銀行之優劣勢,進而推論出適用於國內市場的純網銀經營策略。


While more and more financial technology like blockchain, rob-advisor, and chatterbot shows up and the intention of the government to improve financial inclusion, internet-only bank rise in Taiwan and trigger a catfish effect in the financial industry. However, there seems a lot of challenges like over-supply of financial service or online banking business restriction for an internet-only bank, how come an internet-only bank with branchless restriction to win over those traditional banks and make profits in these hyper-competitive market? This study uses the case study approach to research several famous internet-only bank cases in China, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong and South Korea and integrate their operating strategies. Secondly, we use PEST analysis to define the external factors of the financial environment. At last, we use SWOT analysis to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of Next Bank and combine the external factors into opportunities and threats and comes up with some recommendations and suggestions about operating an internet-only bank for Next Bank or others who want to join this field to take a reference.


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