  • 學位論文


The Motion of Granular Flow in Rotating Viscometer and Rheological Parameters Calibration

指導教授 : 劉格非


本研究針對石流理論基礎,配合實驗數據以求取不同材料的流變參數特性。理論部分,採用SH-theory的觀點,假設流況為符合長波理論,而且材料也符合Mohr-Coulomb特性,並將Mohr-Coulomb特性作為本構關係式,再利用正規化方程式與邊界條件,藉由尺度分析簡化問題,最後使用動量積分法求各個控制方程式的第零階解。 實驗數據方面,引用劉、張(2008)的實驗數據,從中挑選較為符合尺度假設的圓珠細磨石,以該材料作為主要的檢定對象。以不同的材料用量作為分組依據,利用多變數迴歸模式與最小平方法,最後可以檢定出實驗材料在本文理論下的流變參數,而所得的流變關係式為厚度 以微擾法展開的微分方程式,最後捨去高次項得到一階解。利用檢定出的流變參數代回關係式檢驗實際量測厚度與推估厚度,最大誤差值都在25%以內,表示此檢定結果可以接受,理論模式可以適用於此實驗材料。


In this thesis we focus on the theory basic on the granular flow theory and compare with experimental data to obtain the characteristic of rheological parameters applying different material. In the theory analysis, first we adopted SH-theory and assumed Hydrological regime was fitted in with Long-wave theory. Second, the material characteristic is one kind of Mohr-Coulomb material and we used its characteristic to build constitutive relation. We normalized the equations and boundary conditions with scaling analysis. Finally, we used the momentum integral method to obtain the leading order solution. In this thesis, we adopted the experimental data provided from Liu and Chung (2008). We choose spherically artificial material which is better fitted in with scaling assumption and calibrated rheological parameters using this material. We set a series cases with changing the amount of material and using linear regression model and least square method to obtain the rheological parameters. We used perturbation and set the depth of granular flow as H to obtain the differential equation which is rheological relation. Finally we erased high order terms and left the solution of first order term. In this thesis, we calibrated the rheological parameters to put back to rheological relation and we could test the actual depth and estimated depth of granular flow. The maximum error is about in 25 percent and this consequence is acceptable. The theory is suitable to apply this experimental material.


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