  • 學位論文


Effects of Preservative Treatments and Storage on Postharvest Quality of Anthurium Cut Flowers

指導教授 : 王自存


火鶴花(Anthurium andraeanum Lindl.)為台灣重要的外銷切花之一,切花經商業包裝空運外銷需3∼6天的貯運期且無特定冷藏設備,易造成切花花莖頸部彎曲及瓶插壽命縮短而影響外銷品質。由於火鶴花商業品種繁多,目前相關之生理及保鮮技術資料較為缺乏,因此本論文試驗目的在探討火鶴花切花品種間或模擬空運貯藏後,其蒸散率與吸水率間之水分平衡與老化之關係,並以植物生長調節劑處理與化學藥劑預措處理以達到延長切花瓶插壽命之目的;同時,探討包裝貯運水平放置造成火鶴花花莖頸部彎曲之原因,觀察頸部彎曲之花莖於瓶插期間之回復狀況,並且搭配化學藥劑處理試圖改善花莖頸部彎曲之現象。 本論文以四個品種切花進行基本之生理調查:‘Tropical’和‘Fantasia’切花瓶插壽命約有12.5和11.8天,‘Pistache’和‘Midori’切花約有62和51天;經20℃貯藏3天和6天,‘Tropical’和‘Fantasia’切花約減少3天和6天之瓶插壽命,‘Pistache’和‘Midori’切花貯藏6天後,瓶插壽命大幅減少26天(40%)和13天(25%)。當切花老化指數開始上升時,出現鮮重、吸水率下降、水分平衡增大的現象,經貯藏之切花會較未貯藏切花之老化指數提早上升,瓶插壽命也較短。進一步了解切花吸水率與蒸散率對老化之影響,當切花之吸水率低於蒸散與吸水率散布圖之兩相關曲線交點時,切花開始老化,可能為切花老化起始的關鍵。經由四品種切花之水分平衡與老化指數相關性可知,水分平衡增大與切花老化呈正相關。 ‘Tropical’和‘Fantasia’切花經100 ppm GA4+7+BA噴灑處理可較對照組延長13天和12天之瓶插壽命,較BA及GA3處理為佳,且噴灑處理方式對延長切花瓶插壽命之效果較貯運期間保鮮管處理為佳。經100 ppm之GA4+7+BA噴灑處理可較BA處理有效延緩切花鮮重、吸水率下降,維持水分平衡穩定,有效延長切花瓶插壽命。 ‘Tropical’切花經蔗糖預措(2%, 60分鐘;10%, 30分鐘)處理可較對照組延長約1.3天之瓶插壽命。200、400、800 ppm之8-HQS分別預措60、30、30分鐘可較對照組延長約1天之壽命;經DICA預措(100、200 ppm, 30分鐘)或檸檬酸預措(100 ppm, 60、120分鐘)處理可延長約1.5∼2天之瓶插壽命。Physan-20和AVG處理對延長切花瓶插壽命無顯著效果;硝酸銀和STS均無法延長火鶴切花之瓶插壽命,反而使切花提早老化,縮短瓶插壽命。由此可知以蔗糖處理可供給切花代謝基質,維持生理活性;8-HQS、DICA和檸檬酸處理則可抑制溶液中微生物的滋生,維持切花吸水能力而延長瓶插壽命。 火鶴花切花經商業包裝水平放置後取出,花莖在靠近佛焰苞基部處會向上彎曲,但相同包裝方式直立放置後則無明顯彎曲現象,此可能與重力向性影響有關。商業包裝並於20℃水平放置之切花其肉穗花序與花莖間角度在5小時內由0度快速增加至15度,48小時後已嚴重彎曲呈45度;未包裝水平放置且佛焰苞懸空未施予壓力時,隨貯放時間增加花莖角度緩慢增加,48小時後呈25度,較商業包裝水平放置處理的切花彎曲程度輕微。因此認為造成花莖頸部彎曲之主要原因為包裝時將花莖固定於箱底,對佛焰苞與花莖連接部位所產生之壓力所致;而水平放置所造成之向性改變可能為影響花莖頸部彎曲之次要因子。進一步了解直立與水平貯放方式對花莖頸部彎曲之影響,‘Tropical’切花經商業包裝於20℃直立貯放3天和5天,花莖頸部彎曲程度小,肉穗花序與花莖間角度約為15度,瓶插2天後均可降至接近0度。‘Tropical’和‘Fantasia’切花經商業包裝於20℃水平貯放3天和6天,取出時花莖頸部已嚴重彎曲達40度,於瓶插期間‘Tropical’切花彎曲角度可降至10度(3天)和30度(6天),‘Fantasia’切花可降至25度(3天),或完全無法改變(6天)。去除肉穗花序之‘Tropical’切花經商業包裝水平貯放於20℃ 3天,花莖頸部嚴重彎曲,瓶插期間角度僅回復6.5%,外觀彎曲情形嚴重。‘Tropical’和‘Fantasia’切花插於裝有2、10、20 mM之鈣離子螯合劑EGTA和5、20 mM CaCl2之保鮮管中於20℃貯藏6天,取出時彎曲角度達40∼45度,無法減緩花莖頸部彎曲程度,且EGTA處理反而促使切花提早老化,縮短切花壽命。


Anthurium (Anthurium andraeanum Lindl.) is one of the major cut flower for export in Taiwan. During the process of exportation, the anthurium cut flowers were tape-packed in commercial packages and shipped horizontally without temperature control for 3 to 6 days. This handling process usually resulted in reduced vase life and upward bending at the flower neck; thus reduced the overall quality of the cut flower. This research studied the water balance during flower senescence of different cultivars of anthurium, the application of plant growth regulators and various chemicals in pulsing treatment on the post-shipment vase life of anthurium cut flowers, and the behavior of the upward bending of flower stalk neck and its recovery. The vase life of ‘Tropical’, ‘Fantasia’, ‘Pistache’ and ‘Midori’ cut flowers at 25℃ were 12.5, 11.8, 62 and 51 days, respectively. After stored at 20℃ for 6 days, the vase life of ‘Tropical’ and ‘Fantasia’ were 6 days less, and the vase life of ‘Pistache’ and ‘Midori’ were 26 and 13 days less. In all cultivars, when the cut flowers started to senescent, its fresh weight and water uptake started to decreased, resulting in the increase of water balance. There were good correlations between the imbalance of water relationship and the initiation of flower senescence. This result indicated that when the water uptake rate of the cut flower was less than the rate of water loss, the cut flower will started to senesce. Spraying ‘Tropical’ and ‘Fantasia’ cut flowers with BA, GA3 or GA4+7 + BA extended their vase life after storage as compared to the control. Among the treatments, 100 ppm GA4+7 + BA had the best result that extended the vase life for 13 and 12 days respectively. These treatments delayed both the decrease in the fresh weight and the water uptake of the cut flower, and thus stabilized the water balance and extended the vase life of the cut flower. Pulsing ‘Tropical’ cut flowers with sucrose at either 2% for 60 min or 10% for 30 min extended the vase life after simulated shipment for 1.3 days. Pulsing with 8-Hydroxyquinoline sulfate (8-HQS) at 200 ppm for 60 min, 400 ppm or 800 ppm for 30 min extended the vase life for 1 day. Pulsing with dichloroisocyanuric acid(DCIA) at 100 and 200 ppm for 30 min, or with citric acid at 100 ppm for 60 and 120 min extended the vase life for 1.5 to 2 days. No significant differences in vase life were observed in pulsing treatments with physan-20 or AVG. On the other hand, pulsing with silver thiosulfate (STS) or AgNO3 led to the aging of cut flower and thus shortened the vase life. Sucrose may serve as the substrate of metabolism and maintained the physiology activity of the cut flower. 8-HQS, DICA and citric acid inhibited the microorganism growth in solution, thus maintained water uptake of cut flowers and extended the vase life. The anthurium cut flowers were usually tape-packed in commercial packages. After stored horizontally in the commercial package for 3 or more days, the neck of the flower stalk, i.e the junction point between the spadix and the flower stalk, tends to bend upward upon unpacking of the box. Storing the same package vertically did not result significant bending. The behavior of the upward bending of the neck was studied. The angle between the stalk and the spadix of ‘Tropical’ anthurium cut flower increased rapidly from 0° to 15° during the first five hours after horizontal storage. The angle increased to 45° after 48 hours of horizontally storage at 20℃. When cut flowers were placed horizontally with their spathe hanging out freely, the bending angle increased slowly, reaching 25° after 48 hours. When cut flowers were tape-packed in commercial package and stored vertically, the angle increased to 15° after 5 days. These result indicate that gravity along could not cause the rapid upward bending of the neck; it was the packing method that exerted the initial pressure on the spathe that may play an important role in the upward bending of the neck. The maximum bending angle was around 40°. Flower stalks of both ‘Tropical’ and ‘Fantasia’ cut flower bent to 40° after stored horizontally at 20℃ for 3 or 6 days. The bending angle gradually reduced when the cut flowers were placed in vase. The ability of anthurium cut flowers to restore their original state varied with cultivar and the duration of storage. After 3 days of storage, flower stalks of ‘Tropical’ restored to 10° after 3 days in vase and ‘Fantasia’ only restored to 25°. After 6 days of storage, flower stalks of ‘Tropical’ restored to 30° after 3 days in vase and ‘Fantasia’ remained unchanged. When the spadix was removed from ‘Tropical’ cut flower, serious bending was also observed between the spathe and the flower stalk after horizontal storage in commercial package at 20℃ for 3 days; and the bending angle showed little restoration in vase. Holding ‘Tropical’ and ‘Fantasia’ cut flowers in tubes containing 5 mM CaCl2 during storage showed limited help in restoring the bending angle. On the other hand, holding cut flowers in 2, 10 and 20 mM EGTA had no beneficial effect.


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