  • 學位論文

金融風暴之後 理財專員行為規範探討以及財富管理法規遵循與改善方向:以外商與本國銀行為例

The Regulation Trend on the Behavior of Financial Consultants and Wealth Management Compliance: The Case of Local and Foreign Banks

指導教授 : 李存修


2008年由於經濟放緩以及股市市值下滑,台灣富裕人士於減少了 18% 降至5.8萬人,財富總值下降 24.8%,縮減至 1706億美元。不過2009年起, 隨著市場氣氛改善恢復信心,預期財富管理業務的規模和複雜性將持續增加,對於產品的多樣性需求也不斷的增長。但是, 大部分的投資人由於之前受傷慘重, 對於理財專員、金融市場和監管機關失去信心。 本文討論的重點在於如何經由面對客戶抱怨, 來改善客訴處理流程, 也藉由探討國內外銀行經營財富管理的方式、內控、 與自律, 以及強化理財專員的專業與道德教育、以及獎金的設計, 並且還涵蓋到法規的改善方向, 進而改善投資環境, 藉此重拾投資者的信心。 由於外商銀行的表現和健全度向來是監管機關的關注重點,因此我們選擇美國,法國, 以及新加坡三家外商銀行來做討論與比較, 試圖藉由探討這些外商金融機構的法令遵循要點以及規範來做對照與學習。 同時, 也訪問了兩家國內的金控龍頭, 希望藉由這兩家國內銀行於後金融風暴之後, 面對一連串法令遵循要求,所做的改變與努力。 台灣理財專員的管理承襲了歐美的制度, 強調銷售人員的個人表現, 提供了優渥的獎金制度, 引導理財專員的銷售行為。 本研究將探討如何藉由改變或改善獎金設計元素與方向, 來導引理財專員與客戶利益的趨近, 也希望能夠藉由業績以外的品質項目, 來強化獎金設計機制。 同時,也討論如何依據公會自律規範,來訂定相關薪酬辦法。 面對此次金融危機, 台灣的監理機構, 從各個層面對財富管理監管業務,做透徹的檢討與改善, 並研擬以及通過相關法令草案以及規範注意事項等。 本研究希望藉由探討金融機構的自律, 來全面提升客戶對於財富管理業務的信心, 除了建立完善的內控與法令遵循機制, 以及扮演法令的督促與監督者等方面來檢視,而非僅僅依賴法律的制定與控管。 當然, 本研究也深入針對現行法規改善的方向等議題, 提出歸納與整理, 以及未來修正的方向。


Total numbers of High-Net-Worth inviduals in Taiwan shrank 18% to only 58,000 persons and their total wealth reduced 24.8% to 170 Billion; however, following the economic rebound in 2009, the investment market regains its attention from the investors quickly. It is expected that the market and product complexity of wealth management will be enormously increased, yet most investors have not recovered their trust over their relationship managers、 the banks、 and the surveillance bureaus. Therefore, major focus of this study will discuss how to deal with customers’complaints, and how to streamline the compliance & control of the banks, to increase the level of integrity & profesionality of the relationship managers, and the wealth management regulations environement. As foreign banks have been constantly viewed as with high standards of compliance & control, the study has therefore chosen three banks from US, Europe, and Asia to provide a discussion template for wealth management process. Meanwhile, we have also chosen two leading domenstic to obaserve their efforts and changes facing the regulation changes upon the 2008 financial disasters. The compensation scheme of relationship managers in Taiwan is mostly inherited from the western banks during the decade. It encourages invididual performance by providing very good bonuses. The study will emphasize on factors that will lead to the mutual benefits of the relationship managers and the customers, meanwhile to consider the incorporation of the new regulation. Regulators in Taiwan, facing this financial crisis, have conducted a thorough investigation and changes over regulations of wealth management. This study intends to recover the investors’trust by a complete wealth management process improvement over compliance & control by the banks, and the detailed and proper regulations and surveillance by the regulators. Lastly, the study covers conclusions and the subject of future direction of further improvement of the regulations.


周筱玲, 我國發展整合式跨業財富管理之研究, 台灣大學碩士論文, 2007年
投信投顧公會, 2010.1, 譯自International Organization of Securities
楊雨耕, 金融服務業業務行為準則規範之研究-以金融商品之推介為中, 台灣大學碩


