  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of Pension System in Taiwan: a Perspective of Welfare Stratification

指導教授 : 成之約 李碧涵


本研究主要探討國家-市場介入臺灣年金系統以及年金系統的福利階層化現象。相關的理論基礎來自1)世界銀行所提出之年金架構,說明老年經濟所得維持的三種方向,包含基礎年金、職業年金,以及商業年金;2)Esping-Andersen(1989; 1990)提出之「作為社會階層化體系的福利國家」,說明社會政策具有階層化效果;最後3)Esping-Andersen(1989; 1990)與其他文獻提出國家與市場在年金體制中所扮演的角色,說明在年金體制中的公私混合狀況。 首先本研究以次級文獻法探討年金系統的國際歷史背景,分別討論代表自由主義體制、歐陸保守體制,以及北歐社會民主體制的美國、德國,以及瑞典的現行年金系統與年金改革方向。此一部分之研究發現為年金改革均朝向市場化的路徑,而各國現行年金系統之階層化效果也呼應了Esping-Andersen(1989; 1990)的研究結果:美國主要以私有性質之職業年金與商業年金為主,階層化效果來自市場與個人競爭主義;德國以職業團體年金保險為主,階層化效果來自特殊地位群體與職業階層的差異;最後,因為普遍年金權的施行,使得瑞典的年金系統之階層化效果較不顯著。 在臺灣的年金系統方面,財政方式上,國家介入程度由深至淺依序為農民、國營企業員工、軍公教人員、一般國民、私校教師,最後是一般勞工。市場介入一般勞工最深,高達約90%。但給付水準的階層化效果中,月領取年金由高到低分別為郵政人員、公教人員、軍人、一般勞工、一般國民、中油員工、私校教師,最後則是農民。雖然,本研究發現年金系統是由國家-市場共同形塑,但是在財政方式的負擔比例上,國家對其雇員(軍公教人員與國營事業員工)有較高的負擔比例,因此國家介入其雇員的年金系統較深,且該群體之年金給付水準也偏高;另外,就一般勞工來說,雖然給付水準算是中等,但在財政負擔比例上,幾乎均由市場機制提供(包含企業與個人負擔的加總),這表示在政策制定與立法上,國家扮演了最重要的角色(即使沒有負擔較高的財政比例,但也以政策介入年金的提供),這呼應了本研究相關之文獻討論。因此,臺灣的年金系統階層化效果主要由國家政策所主導,是故在未來制度改革的方向上,應多加考慮增加社會公平的政策效果。


This master thesis investigated the Taiwanese pension system shaped from state-market relationship and its effect of welfare stratification. The main theoretical bases are from three dimensions. They are three pillars of pension system (The World Bank, 1994), Welfare state as a stratification system (Esping-Andersen, 1989), and the public-private mix on pension system (Esping-Andersen, 1989; 1990). The first, the thesis collected secondary data for understanding the pension system and its effect of welfare stratification of America (the liberal regime), Germany (the conservative regime), and Sweden (the Scandinavian regime). The second, the work found and analyzed the qualitative data collected by secondary data method and interview method of financial practice and pension level of Taiwanese pension system. The last, the main findings of the thesis are as follows. The pension systems of those three countries present the three paths and models of stratification effect as Esping-Andersen’s study for welfare stratification. Stressing on occupational retirement pension of secondary pillar and individual business pension of third pillar, American pension system indicates characteristics of marketization and individual competition. Centering on vocationally corporative pension insurance of first pillar, German pension system shows the features of state-corporatism and differences of status forged by occupation groups. Emphasizing on universal pension right, Swedish pension system presents the traits of public equality and the flat effect of welfare stratification. In Taiwan, the state involves more pension financial practice of former and state-own-enterprise employee than others. In other words, the market involves more pension financial practice of general employee of private sector than others. In addition, the state plays most important role on policymaking and legislation of pension system. Because of laying stress on vocational pension insurance and occupational retirement pension, the stratification effect of pension system in Taiwan is mainly from the occupational divisions. With author’s viewpoints, pension policy in Taiwan needs more consideration of socio-political fairness because of importance of state’s guidance.




