  • 學位論文


Studies of Temperature and Chemical Treatments on Rosette Morphology of Eustoma grandiflorum Seedlings

指導教授 : 張育森


洋桔梗為台灣重要切花之一,然切花生產具種苗簇生化之問題,本研究首先探討以種子低溫與苗期涼溫處理對洋桔梗簇生化之影響。其次探討利用藥劑打破已簇生化的種苗,用來解決種植後簇生化之問題,或利用藥劑取代部分低溫之可行性。最後,簇生化與抽苔植株上的差異,發展洋桔梗苗期之簇生化指標,以期有效提昇洋桔梗種苗生產技術。 在種子低溫與苗期涼溫處理影響洋桔梗簇生化方面:苗期涼溫處理(日夜溫23/18 ℃)6週與8週的植株有較高的抽苔率,對照組(涼溫處理0週)植株則沒有任何抽苔的表現。在涼溫需求上品種表現有所不同,‘Moret Marine’涼溫四週即可提高抽苔率,而‘Rosina III Pink’則需六週以上。種子低溫浸潤處理(1、3、5週10 ℃)結合苗期涼溫試驗結果顯示:種子浸潤1週約可取代涼溫處理2週,可有效縮短苗期涼溫的期間。 利用藥劑處理打破洋桔梗簇生化方面。隨著種子低溫處理期間增加,其抽苔率隨之而上升,複合藥劑(GSH, Fluridone)處理可增加抽苔率,其中以GSH 200 μM表現最好。已簇生化的洋桔梗植株以300 μM GA3效果最佳,施用三週後植株開始抽苔,抽苔率達100%。300 μM GA3施用不同期間,施用2週與4週形成高節位簇生化,施用6週以上可避免高節位簇生化。種子浸潤不同藥劑(GSH, Fluridone, GA3, BL)後置於三種環境,其中以300 μM GA3抽苔效果較佳。已簇生化苗以GA3(75、150、300 μM)單獨處理或複合其他藥劑(10 μM Fluridone、200 μM GSH、0.04 μM BL)複合處理,結果顯示:無論GA3三種濃度無論單獨或與其他藥劑複合處理,皆可達100%抽苔率,而其中以GA3複合200 μM GSH 或0.04 μM BL有較佳的生長表現。 苗期建立簇生化形態差異指標,提早判斷是否洋桔梗形成簇生化。簇生化植株與抽苔植株葉片溫度的差異,在田間形成簇生化的植株有較高的葉溫,抽苔植株葉片溫度較低,而抽苔植株的葉溫隨著節位數越高而葉溫越低。不同期間20℃涼溫處理,觀察洋桔梗‘Rosina Blue’苗期植株形態,隨涼溫期間越久,其葉片的角度等級較大,葉片溫度隨之下降。播種後種子浸潤10℃冷藏1週出庫複合不同涼溫期間處理,隨著涼溫期間越久,其葉片的角度等級較大,葉片溫度也隨之下降。洋桔梗三品種‘Rosina Blue’、‘Haru Ichiban’、‘Ceremony Blue Flash’不同溫度處理分析指標差異,其中以葉片寬長比與NDVI指標以0.55、0.45可區別‘Haru Ichiban’不同處理植株,而‘Rosina Blue’適用於葉片溫度及CHL指標並以30.5℃及0.29加以區別兩處理,三品種皆可用葉片角度等級2級,進行初步洋桔梗簇生化判別之指標。


The cut flower of Eustoma grandiflorum is one of the most important flowers in Taiwan, but cut flower has problem with rosetted seedling. First, this study aimed to investigate the effect of seed imbibition and seedling low temperature treatments on reducing rosette formation in Eustoma grandiflorum, in order to avoid rosetted seedling .Second, The using of chemical treatments to induced bolting in the rosette plant Eustoma grandiflorum, in order to solve rosetted plant after transplanting. Therefore, the different style between rosetted plant and bolting plant, development of relation between seedling morphology and rosette formation index in Eustoma grandiflorum ,to separate rosetted plant early . Experiment of effect of seed imbibition and seedling low temperature treatments on reducing rosette formation in Eustoma grandiflorum showed that the percentage of bolting rate was higher with 6 and 8 weeks low temperature treatment.It is no plant bolting in control treatment (0 week low temperature) .The low temperature requirement is different between each cultivar . ‘Moret Marine’ had gotten higher bolting rate in 4 weeks low temperature treatment. But ‘Rosina Ⅲ Pink’ need above 8 weeks. Using 0、1、3 and 5 weeks 10 ℃ seed imbibition complex seedling low temperature treatment could decrease duration of low temperature treatment. The using of chemical treatments to induced bolting in the rosette plant Eustoma grandiflorum .The longer 10 ℃ seed imbibition, the higher bolting rate. Complexion medical treatment could enhance bolting rate, especially, with 200 μM GSH. Rosetted plant was bolting after 3 weeks using 300 μM GA3 and bolting rate was 100 %.The different duration of using 300 μM GA3 showed that use only 2 and 4 weeks medical had gotten aerial rosette, over 6 weeks medical treatment could avoid aerial rosette. Three growth temperature treatment after seed imbibition different medical showed that 300 μM GA3 increase bolting rate. Rosetted Plants used 75, 150, 300 μM GA3 complex with Fluridone 10μM, GSH 200 μM, BL 0.04 μM. GA3 could break 6 pair leaves rosetted plant bolting.It is better growth with complex 200 μM GSH or 0.04 μM BL. Establish of relation between seedling morphology and rosette formation index in Eustoma grandiflorum.It could early distinguish rosette seedling. Leaf temperature was different between rosetted plant and bolting plant. Rosetted plant had higher leaf temperature in the flied than bolting plant. The upper leaf of bolting plant leaf temperature was lower than lower leaf. Experiment on effect of different 20 ℃ durations showed that the morphology of ‘Rosina Blue ’ leaf angle scale was higher, leaf temperature was lower in longer 20 ℃ duration. The result of one week 10 ℃ seed imbibition complex different 20 ℃ durations, leaf angle scale was also higher, leaf temperature was also lower in longer 20 ℃ duration. Leaf spectral reflectance analyses ‘Rosina Blue’, ‘Haru Ichiban’, ‘Ceremony Blue Flash’ vegetable index. Under low temperature seedling showed that leaf width was narrow, lower width to length ratio and leaf temperature, higher NDVI value and CHL value. It could use to the index of rosetted seedling.


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