  • 學位論文


Application of Satellite Images to Studying Correlation between Landslides and Land Use in the Taipei Metropolitan Area

指導教授 : 朱子豪


本研究討論臺灣台北地區崩塌災害與土地利用型態間之間關聯性。研究取徑係採用福衛二號影像以及2007年由國土測繪中心陸續完成的台北地區土地調查資料。衛星影像採2006年冬季、2007夏季、2007冬季三個時期影像,以2006冬季與2007冬季影像為基礎萃取NDVI值,估算兩者影像上植生遷異點取得年度植生遷異點。另外為精確崩塌樣本的精確性,資料處理透過影像的雲層繪製、監督式分類影像、匯入坡度等資料刪除誤判的崩塌樣本。 完成2007年變遷圖層後,著手兩個方向研究:一為臺北地區的崩塌環境趨向:坡度、高度、坡向;二重新分類年國土調查資料架構:農業、林業、交通、建築、礦業以及自然土地,透過各變項比例分佈與卡方檢定分析土地型態與崩塌的相關性與否。 本研究成果在臺北地區崩塌具有明顯的集中特性,將統計資料依據環境特性正規化後,坡向集中三個方向東、東南與南向;而崩塌則以第一級坡至第二級坡區間(0%-15%)變動為主;高度方面則崩塌點為集中在500公尺以下,此意味多數環境變遷相當集中此區。在土地利用型態與崩塌的檢定分析上,五類的土地使用方式皆崩塌有密切相關,僅在坪林至東海岸區區域的農業類別與崩塌現象無關聯,從研究區環境推估應是自然環境起伏較大,令產業分佈亦較為零星因素,使得農業使用上並不與崩塌發生關聯性。 在小尺度的區域驗證,先行依據四群集劃分,可以有效並細緻的分析小尺度的環境。本研究案例中,建築用地、交通設施與崩塌現象分別在中高、中低、低風險區中皆具崩塌的關聯性,有關單位應該注意這些土地型態的開發。


This research deals with the correlation between landslide hazards and land use types in the Taipei metropolitan area, northern Taiwan. Research approach is mainly use of Formosa Satellite images and land-use survey data in 2007. Satellite images were collected in the winter of 2006, the summer of 2007 and the winter of 2007. The NDVI were extracted from the images collected in the 2006 and 2007 winters. In order to secure accuracy, misinterpreted landslide samples were deleted by comparison with supervision classification images, cloud shapes and slope data. With annual variation data available, this research proceeded in two directions. One direction is environmental characteristics of landslides in the Taipei metropolitan area: slope, elevation, aspect; the other is the correlation between land-use types and landslides. Normalized statistical data show that most landslides are in eastern, southeastern and southern aspects as well as in slopes I and slope II (0%-15% slope) with elevations below 500 meters. Five categories of land use, i.e., forestry, transportation, built areas, mining and natural land, are in close correlation with landslides, while agriculture is not and this may be due to significant variation in physical attributes and wide distribution of farming land. In addition, analysis for smaller areas is based on government-defined four clusters in terms of landslide risks. The research finds that built areas and transportation facilities are obviously correlated with landslides in potential landslide zones with mid-high, mid-low and low risks. The government should be careful for land development in such landslide-correlated areas .


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