  • 學位論文


An investigation of Literacy on Humor Messages of Mass Media among Junior High Students

指導教授 : 李蘭


目的:探討國中生對大眾媒體傳播之幽默訊息的識讀能力,並進一步找出相關因素。 方法:利用「媒體與人際傳播之幽默訊息對國中生幽默表現的影響研究」計畫之資料庫,進行次級資料分析。前述計畫係自臺灣的北、中、南、東四個地區選出5所國民中學,然後從各所學校的一至三年級分別抽出一個班級,結果有60個班級共1,927名學生成為本研究樣本。扣除調查時拒絕者後,實際完訪樣本共1,746人 (男生916人;女生830人)。本研究分析的變項包括幽默訊息識讀能力、性別、年級、父母婚姻、家人互動等。除描述研究樣本的幽默訊息識讀能力外,另採用線性複迴歸分析找出相關變項。 結果:1.整體而言,研究樣本中有85.57%的人,其幽默訊息識讀能力屬「中等」或「偏低」。在幽默訊息識讀能力的三個次指標中,以「覺察勸服能力」的得分最高;「批判是非能力」的得分次之;「區辨真假能力」的得分最差。2.幽默訊息識讀能力較高者,主要為就讀國中二年級;居住於北、中或南部者;學業表現屬前段者;外向程度較低者;母親教育程度較高者;家庭經濟程度較高者;父母及老師負向幽默表現程度較低者;同儕負向幽默表現程度較高者。 結論:1. 目前國中生對於大眾媒體傳播之幽默訊息的識讀能力不佳,需透過各種管道提供他們學習的機會。例如學校老師可藉由相關的教學活動,加強其分析大眾媒體傳播之幽默訊息的能力,也就是具有區辨真假、覺察勸服、及批判是非的技巧。又如,父母陪伴子女觀賞或閱讀大眾媒體傳播之訊息時,可引導他解讀及分析其中的幽默訊息。2.學校老師及父母可以針對幽默訊息識讀能力較低者,如就讀較低年級、居住於東部、學業表現屬後段者、家庭經濟程度較低者等,特別加強幽默訊息識讀能力的學習。3.大眾媒體提供者,應規劃富有正向意義的幽默訊息,幫助青少年學習正確的幽默表現方式。


幽默 媒體識讀 國中生


Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the degree of literacy on humor messages disseminated through mass media among junior high school students, as well as investigating correlated factors. Method: The data derived from the “Effect of humor messages disseminated by various communication channels on junior high school students’ humor styles project” was used for secondary data analysis. Sampling procedures included a random drawing of 5 schools from each of four areas of Taiwan: Northern, Central, Southern and Eastern, followed by a random selection of one class among first, second and third grades respectively. The total number of students from the selected 60 classes resulted in a sample size of 1,927 adolescents. After excluding those who did not give informed consents, a total of 1,746 adolescents completed the questionnaire (916 boys; 830 girls). The research variables included degree of literacy on humor messages, gender, school grade, marital status of parents, family interaction and so on. Statistical analysis included univariate description of the degree of literacy on humor messages; multiple linear regression analysis is used to identify the correlated variables. Results: 1) 85.57% of subjects having their degree of literacy on humor messages assessed as either “medium” or “low”. Among the three sub-indicators of literacy on humor messages, “the ability to perceive persuasive meaning” scored as the highest, followed by “the ability to criticize messages correctly”; while “the ability to distinguish messages between true and false “ scored as the worst. 2) adolescents who received higher scores on literacy on humor messages were mainly those who studied in the second year (contrasted to first year);, lived in the northern, central, or southern Taiwan (contrasted to Eastern Taiwan); having better academic performance (contrasted to less excellent); less outgoing (contrasted to more outgoing); had higher maternal education level (contrasted to lower maternal education level); had higher family economic status (contrasted to lower family economic status); have parents and teachers that are more likely to react toward negative humor style (contrasted to less likely to react toward negative humor styles); and finally, having friends that were less likely to react toward negative humor style (contrasted to more likely to react toward negative humor styles). Conclusions: 1) The degree of literacy on humor messages disseminated through mass media among junior high school students is still poor, indicating a necessity for increased provision of learning opportunities through various methods. For example, school teachers may enhance students’ ability to analyze humor messages by using various teaching activities, so that students can distinguish messages between truths and false, perceive persuasive meanings in the messages, and criticize messages correctly. Parents may help students interpret humor messages when accompanying their children in watching or reading messages disseminated through mass media. 2) It is suggested that teachers and parents should identify students with higher risk of lower literacy (for example, those who studied in lower year; lived in Eastern Taiwan; have less excellent academic performance; had lower family economic status.) and give earlier intervention. 3. It is suggested that the mass media providers should provide humor messages with positive meanings, rather than negative connotations, so as to educate adolescents the way to display correct humor.


humor media Literacy junior high students


李蘭、洪百薰、晏涵文、楊雪華、 童淑琴(2000)。以成長團體介入提昇高職學生拒藥能力之成效。醫學教育,4,340-352。
