  • 學位論文


Chao-Liao Air-Pollution Dispute Event Book: Improve Public Nuisance Disputes from Self-Reliant Relief to Government-Reliant Relief

指導教授 : 王泰俐 呂理德


高雄縣潮寮鄉大發工業區空氣污染事件,是台灣公害史上,少數循《公害糾 紛處理法》紓處、調解而塵埃落定的事件。受害者分別獲得金錢賠償、污染廠方 改善及控管污染情況、政府開始設置空氣污染偵測儀器等,其中,值得注意的是, 污染者與受害者簽下了環境保護協定,讓潮寮人的生活有了紙上的約定與保障。 《公害糾紛處理法》讓這一切看來好似完滿,這也是訂定這條法規的初衷: 讓人民在遭遇到公害糾紛時能有法可循,依循公力救濟而得到制度上的保障。受 害的人們不再只能親身走上街頭,嘶聲吶喊、以肉身搏取自身權利,或成為政治 人物手下的利用工具。 這可謂是一種烏托邦的境界了。但是,實際上的我們真能走入這樣的完美世 界嗎? 深究、追蹤潮寮事件,發現這個制度仍有不甚完備之處,在看似平靜無波的 表面下,受害者有話要說、環保團體有話要說、學者專家有話要說,甚至連官方, 也有話要說。究竟他們想說什麼?筆者期望藉由這一份影像深度報導,呈現各方 說法,並透過不斷辯證的過程,凸顯出公害糾紛制度上,值得加強、改善之處。 我們也許無法擁有零缺點的制度、無法真正走入烏托邦的境界,但我們卻能 夠努力嚮往趨近這個目標。本則深度報導除了呈現出當前制度的優劣之外,更重 要的是,落實媒體身為一個社會公器的責任,深究公害糾紛在個案上落實的情況。


In 2008, There were serious air pollutions event outbreak in Ciao Liao Village. Over 100 victims were sent to the hospital, some of them vomitted, felt naucous, or dizzy. But pollution event didn't only happen once, it happened at least 5 times within a month. During the time, both Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan and Local Environmental Protection Bureau couldn't identify the source of pollutions. Even worse, victims had to go on the street for protest and fight for their own rights. The event has pointed that something was wrong with the "Public Nuisance Disputes Mediation Act", and this thesis is about discovering the main problem of it. This report revealed the air pollution event by video report, because author believes that this is the most proper way to bring back the "Fact" and the "Past". By interviewing the victims, the official government, environmental groups and scholars, this report try to present opinions objectively.


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