  • 學位論文


The Feasibility of Contractual Employees and Temporary Staff in Place of Junior Officer Jobs in Government

指導教授 : 彭錦鵬


我國公部門用人態樣甚多,因應民主化及國內外政經情勢的轉變,人民對政府的需求可預見將是有增無減。但在員額總量管理的法令下,公部門人員將受限不能大幅成長,以期抑制人事費之增加。如何妥適運用現有各類公務人力,就是機關不得不面對的嚴肅課題。 本研究希望尋找官方員額管理作法以外之人力運用方式,並聚焦在委任官等職務由約僱及臨時人員替代之可行性,期望擴大引用契約性人力以減少永業文官的任用,在有效降低政府整體人事成本之前提下,仍能提供政府機關足夠人力推動業務。 本研究係從我國引進「策略性人力資源管理」理論之成果,探究彈性、鬆綁及授權等理論精神在我國人事法制上的實踐,並參考先進國家人事制度之發展,發現我國現行人事成本及員額管理制度尚待加強之處。 另外,藉由新北市政府相關委任官等職員、約僱及臨時人員等完整資料進行個案研究,並輔以深度訪談實務經驗豐富之國內人事主管機關資深文官,透過訪談結果,提出下列幾點我國公務進用結構及彈性用人制度改革之建議:一、儘速確定政府人事成本之明確、統一標準。二、儘速完成中央與地方員額控管基準,並以該年度為控管基準進行管制。三、配合「當增則增、當減則減」政策,積極規劃確保員額淨減之明確作法。四、逐步檢討委任職員工作內容,以「業務區塊」概念檢討人力替代之必要性,讓職員配置於機關業務運作所必需之核心業務職掌工作。五、在國家保障不同職域人民退休後經濟安全之前提下,審慎思考聘僱人員之角色及退休給與年金化。


Due to democratization and political and economic changes, public demand on government services is constantly increasing in Taiwan for the past decades. Considering the deteriorated financial situation, the government uses various hiring methods to reduce personnel cost. Although the Central Government Agency Personnel Quota Law limits the headcount of public officers to cap the personnel expenditure for the central government, flexible hiring of contractual and temporary staff who are not counted by the Quota Law is not unusual for the government. This study focuses on the feasibility for contractual and temporary staff as a replacement for Junior Officers with full civil service protection. Hiring contractual personnel surely will reduce the headcount of permanent civil officers so that personnel cost can be cut while maintaining same level of public services. This study explores the practices of personnel laws on flexible personnel management, and examines the development of the personnel laws in the advanced countries. It finds out that current personnel cost and staff management system needs to be adjusted. Based on the case study on Junior Officer Jobs and contractual staff in New Taipei City Government, this study proposes the following reform strategies: 1) Establishing a clear and uniform guideline on government personnel cost as soon as possible. 2) Formulating central and local staff management standards. 3) Establishing clear plans to ensure personnel headcounts reduction in line with the policy of “staff increase and reduction based on personnel need”. 4) Adopting the hiring channels that based on the review of job analysis and hiring cost. 5) Establishing a financially sound policy on pension plans.




