  • 學位論文


A Study of Combined Road Type and Collision Diagram to Improve on Hazardous Intersections

指導教授 : 許添本


目前大部分易肇事路口改善之研究,多以統計分析易肇事路口特性,再給予粗略建議如增設警示標誌、畫設導引標線、嚴格執法等措施,但都未能從實際路口路型去做探討。且目前易肇事路段的改善措施發現,主要偏重於使用標線與標記等警示與導引的措施,或是調整號誌秒數,對於整體路口車道配置、視距與弱勢用路人動線未能有效整合進改善措施,以致改善效益打折扣。有鑑於此,本研究乃以依不同路口路型之特性,再結合肇事碰撞構圖常發生之事故碰撞類型,以對應的類似之路口作改善策略。 本研究選定高雄市20個易肇事路口做肇事碰撞構圖之分析,擬定各路口路型所對應的改善措施,以為道路工程師在類似路口之改善參考。目前對於易肇事路口之改善措施,尚無一套較完整之研擬程序,本研究參考肇事碰撞構圖並結合不同路口路型,藉由將路型分類與改善時相設計,進行路口的道路空間設計以及清除視線障礙等改善理念,嘗試建立對應各主要路口肇因之改善措施,預期可減少許多因道路配置、號誌時制、標誌標線等設計不當所造成之事故約60%。 又機車可及性高且相較小汽車便宜,因此台灣機車族群龐大,相對事故發生機車所占比例也逐年增加,所以整個道路設計不應只以小汽車為考慮對象,也應給予機車所需空間合理化的發展機會,同時對於各項交通工程設施亦應配合規劃設計,本研究也提供特殊路口之機車直接左轉設計,用以改進兩段式左轉之缺失。而從改善方案中也可看出針對不同路型有不同的改善方式,其主要設計原則是要保持路口接近正交、提供足夠紅燈與黃燈時間、提供良好的槽化設計等,確保駕駛在穿越路口之過程能有良好的視野、足夠的綠燈介間時間、適當的停等與穿越空間等,依此原則設計將能有效改善路口肇事問題。


Most studies of hazard intersection improvements use statistics and analyze features of hazard intersection, then give rough suggestions, such as add warning signs, paint guiding markings, or implementation strict traffic law enforcement. But they don’t discuss or study from practical road types. Currently, the main improved measures emphasis on the use of signs and markings such as warning and guidance devices, or adjust seconds of signals. For the whole intersection design, sight distance, driving route, it failed to effectively integrate into the improvement measures, so let improved efficiency discounted. Thence, this research is based on the characteristics of different type of road intersection to combine collision diagrams corresponding to similar intersection for improvement strategies. The research selects 20 accident-prone intersections to plan improved measures for each corresponding intersections type in Kaohsiung City. Currently, for improvement measures of the accident prone intersection, not yet have a more complete procedure. The research references collision diagrams to combine with different type of intersection to design. By road type classifications and improved phase, to execute design of road space and clear obstacles of sight distance, the research tries to establish improvements of the correspondence the causes of the major intersection. It is expected to reduce about 60% accidents, caused by the improper road geometric design, signals design, and signs and markings problems. We can found that there are different improvement ways for different road type, and the main design principle is that keeps close to orthogonal intersection, provide sufficient all red and yellow time (clearance time), provide good signs and markings guide, and so on. To ensure that the process of driving through the intersection to have good vision, sufficient green time, and appropriate stop space and through space, etc. In accordance with the principles of design will be able to effectively improve the accident problem in hazard intersection.


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7.Hirst, Ali S Al-Ghamdi, Analysis of traffic accidents at urban intersections in Riyadh, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 35, Issue 5, September 2003, pp. 717–724


