  • 學位論文


In-Situ Observation of Plasmonic Photocatalytic Reaction by Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

指導教授 : 蔡定平


表面電漿共振光觸媒是近幾年崛起並受高度關注的主題,結合異相觸媒特性以及電漿子結構獨特光學響應性質,使之能夠將發散的光能量集中至反應分子,並提供一條嶄新的控制反應速率及化學反應選擇性之途徑,展現了異相觸媒發展的新希望。由於表面電漿共振的特殊熱電子效應,也使得表面電漿共振光觸媒具有能做到過去傳統熱化學催化反應所不能做到的化學反應可能性。 本論文中使用表面增強拉曼散射光譜進行拉曼熱點區域隨時變之反應偵測,表面增強拉曼散射光譜的就地偵測特性能提供立即的反應偵測,使反應過程更為明朗。並藉由聚焦離子束削磨技術,製造精準的奈米等級結構以對化學反應機制有更進一步的了解。


Direct plasmonic photocatalyst is a newly emerging top-trending topic, combining the characteristic of heterogeneous catalyst and the unique light response of plasmon structure, makes it a highly promising way to concentrate light energy into reactant molecule and provides a new pathway to control chemical reaction rate and thus, reaction selectivity. Direct plasmonic photocatalyst also lights up the possibility to do what conventional thermal-based catalysis reaction can’t do, showing up with the new reaction path attributed to the plasmon-induced hot electron effect. In this endeavor, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) has been employed to detect time-dependent and hot-spot localized reaction process, and its in-situ detection facilitates the immediately observation of reaction procedure. With the help of focused ion beam milling technique, the precisely designed nanostructure can be fabricated and tailored to discover underlying reaction mechanism.


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