  • 學位論文


Epistemology in the Mo Pien

指導教授 : 李賢中


本論文研究《墨辯》中與認識論相關的題材。論述架構分為五章: 第一章為緒論,說明本文的寫作動機、研究目標、回顧前人研究並比 較前人研究與本文研究之特點。第二章討論的是認知主體的「線性式」 認知歷程,由於《墨辯・經上》開篇即提出了「知材」、「慮求」、 「知接」、「�明」這四個「知」的階段,故本文即以此為討論起點, 論述認知主體對事物的認知、與其他主體的互動、到據所「知」而有 所「行」的歷程。第三章討論的是主體的「網狀式」認知歷程,由三 種解析範疇——實在界、思想界與表達界——說明認知的對象與結果, 並指出人際之間表達和溝通的必要性,以及之所以發生誤會的原因。 在百家爭鳴的戰國時期,墨者與其他哲學家之間的理論競爭日益激烈, 因此「立論」和「辯論」的原則、技巧也就成了墨者討論的主題,而 這也正是本文第四章所討論的內容。在第四章,本文以〈小取篇〉為 研究對象,探討墨家所提出的「立論」及「辯論」的方法——辟、侔、 援、推。此外,對於墨者試圖以侔式推論的方式推導「兼愛不包含愛 盜」、「殺盜非殺人」等備受爭議之墨學理論,本文也對於其合理性 做了諸多討論。最後,第五章為結論,將再一次統整全篇論文的行文 脈絡和要點,並指出認識論是銜接墨學十論和《墨辯》的橋樑及表述 的理論基礎。


墨辯 認識論 線性式 網狀式 墨學十論


This research studies the discussion of epistemology in Mo Pien. There are five chapters in this thesis. Chapter 1 is the introduction, which contains the motivation, the target of this research, the literature review and a comparison between previous research and this research. Chapter 2 discusses the "linear type" cognitive process of the subject. Since Jing, Shang of Mo Pien has proposed four steps of cognition: zhi cai 知材, lu qiu 慮求, zhi jie 知接 and zhi ming�明, this research follows this process to discuss the cognition from a subject to an object, the interaction between cognitive subjects, and the process from cognition to implementation. Chapter 3 discusses the "reticular type" cognitive process of subjects. This research uses three category: "the scope of reality", "the scope of thinking" and "the scope of expression" to explain the objects and results of cognition, and then points out the necessity of presentation and communication in interpersonal relationship and the cause of misunderstanding. The principles and skills of "statement" and "argumentation" are some of the topics of Mohist. In Chapter 4, this research discusses the "statement" and "argumentation" method proposed in Xiaoqu: "Pi 辟, Mou 侔, Yuan 援 and Tui 推". Furthermore, for those contentious conclusions deducted by Mohist "Mou form" such as "Universal Love is not include loving robbers", "Killing a robber is not killing a person", there are also discussions to verify their rationality. Finally, Chapter 5, the conclusion, summarizes the context and key points of the entire thesis, and points out that epistemology is the fundamental theory which connects and expresses Mohist ten theories and Mo Pien.


Johnston Ian, The Mozi: A Complete Translation, Columbia University Press, 2010.
A.C.Graham, Later Mohist Logic, Ethics and Science, The Chinese University of Hong
Laurence BonJour, Epistemology: Classic Problems and Contemporary Responses,

